Breathless & Pain

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*Capituló 14*

"You girls are early. It's not even half past six!" Thomas gasped as he saw us stretching on the ground.

"Well we didn't want to miss training," Eveline quietly chirped, trying to hide her yawn with a small cough.

I know how you feel...

"Where's Alex?"

My mom shrugged from the floor and stretched her arms out behind her, clutching her weight as she rested like that. "He slept on the couch. Poor thing didn't even realize I had left."

Thomas laughed and scratched his head. "Well since you're up already, let's get started."

We all stood up, and I looked around. The sun was barely rising up and it was slightly chilly. We were the only people around that were even remotely up and awake. "We aren't waiting for everyone else?"

"Nope. They can catch up later on. Now, time for laps girls." There was a collective groan from all of us and he just laughed. "If the enemy is following you, you can't just let it catch you. You need to be fast!"

Without another word, I began to follow my mom, since she knew the path he told us to take. We were all easily matching pace, and it was quiet until she let out a small chuckle. I turned my neck in curiosity, and she just shook her head. "This brings back memories."

"About?" I inquired.

"The day I met your father."

I stretched my neck a little further to stare at Eveline, who was looking at me with probably the same expression I had on my face. "Do tell us the story."

"Well the day started off like this one. Alice and me were out on our morning run, when we noticed a house that had always been abandoned -from our knowledge anyways- occupied. I didn't think of it much until we rounded it again at the end of our trip." She shook her head as she chuckled and wrapped the lose locks of hair around her ear. "I saw some dandelions on the outside of his property, and I went to go get one."

"Dandelions?" Eveline questioned, voicing my thoughts as well. Why did she want a weed?

"Dandelions. I have a wonderful memory with dandelions and my parents. Back then, I thought my parents were dead and seeing those flowers, I wanted that memory back so I went and plucked one." We both nodded and I shrieked when I tripped over a rock. Her strong, steady hand reached out to stop me, and I thanked her with a smile. "Anyways, I was seconds away from blowing the seeds away when all I heard was 'Mine' and I saw your father running down towards me at full speed."

Both Eveline and me chuckled. Oh that legendary word...

"At first, I thought that he was talking about the dandelion. But when he started to act like a weirdo and a stalker, and I gave him a chance to explained everything, I sort of accepted him. Everything else is just history."

"Is that why dad always gets you a bunch of dandelions that same day every year?"

Mom laughed and nodded. "Yes."

I didn't know that. The smile on my face fell, and I quickly looked away before they noticed. I had missed so much...

"Well that makes so much more sense." She sighed dreamily and rubbed her forehead with her palm, wiping the sweat away. "I find that romantic. If only Noah did that to me..."

"Well your mating isn't exactly... common."

Feeling like I was just intruding on their conversation, I picked up speed and just followed the path that was underneath my feet. My breathing quickly turned heavy, and the sweat began to roll down my face as they caught up to me, showing their confused faces before they just kept up with my speed.

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