He blinked, then blinked again, why the hell was he awake? It was only- Tom leaned over to look at the alarm clock- 3 AM. He wasn't supposed to wake up for another six hours. As he went to sit up, he stretched his arms and instead of a silent yawn like usual, a low moan slid from his lips. He felt a shudder go through his body as he stumbled to shaky legs. Beads of sweat began to drip down his face as looked at the dark room around him. Maybe he was just thirsty. He stepped toward his door, only for his legs to buckle beneath him, causing him to fall to the hard floor in an audible crash.
"Ahh, fuck!" He shouted, narrowing his eyes as he tried to stand on wobbling legs. Suddenly, he felt an awful tightness in his usually loose pajama pants, and another moan wriggled its way out. Taking a step back towards his bed, he leaned forward and fell onto it with an agony-filled groan. The boy squirmed and pulled his pajama pants off, moving his hand down to grab himself when his body began to stop responding.
His ears popped and began to grow, changing to a purple hue. The monstrous horns expanded out of his hair and he keeled over, his arms and legs growing and shifting to become that of his beastial form. A thick, muscular tail whipped itself free of his boxers, lengthening and thwacking the bed.
His body withered under himself, a warm feeling filling him with anticipation. "..Oh god.." he whispered in a low and heavy growl. He moved his now claw over his again throbbing groin. His body shook and pulsed with empty sensations. He just felt so hot.. He closed his eyes as he let out another breathy moan.
Using shaky hands, he reached to his nightstand and grabbed his phone, trying to text Matt. However, the device slipped from his large hands and he growled loudly, ears lowering as his own breaths caused him to shake and shudder. His tail thumped the bed, lashing back and forth in distress. Tom's feet scraped at his bed as he tried to pleasure himself, but it wasn't doing much for him.
He ached and groaned with want. His tail curling upwards in discomfort. Matt...
He warily and slowly pushed himself off the bed, growls of dissatisfaction rang loud around the room. If Matt wasn't gonna come here then he was gonna get that dumbass himself. He made his way towards the door, using walls behind him to support his shaking and throbbing body.Matt, who had just got back from buying groceries for him and the gang, was walking down the hall towards his room. He ran a hand through his hair and undid the clips he had put in it, planning on re-doing them when he got back to his room. He passed by Tom's door and couldn't help but hear moans and thumping. His face flushed slightly and he picked up his pace slightly, but stopped when Tom opened the door, shifted into what seemed to be a half-monster form.
"T-Tom?" He stammered, getting even more flustered at his friend's expression.
Tom looked at him, desire and agony written on his face. "Matt! Get in here." He bellowed, bits of frustration lacing his voice. Matt walked towards him and stumbled into his room as Tom pulled him in. Hearing the door lock behind him. "Uh y-you okay dude?" he asked, his face shades of red and pink. Tom looked up him, mouth occasionally spewing moans from out of nowhere. "Do...I..LOOK OKAY?" He roared, grabbing Matt's shirt with a heavy claw. His tail thrashed around behind him.
Matt looked around, struggling to find words as he let himself be pulled around, "I-I-I... Uuuuhhhhhh...." He felt his own pants get tight, and looked at Tom's black eyes.
"Do you... Do you need me to... to..." He awkwardly tried to find the words.
"Please." Tom gripped Matt with his claws, drool dribbling from his mouth from where his top teeth had grown larger.
Odd Love
Hayran KurguWritten by Mossy and Salty --- --- "Salty said I could write whatever I want here. So... Basically just two bros. Being bros. And doing... bro things... for each other. Yep." -M --- --- "Expect a lot of angst, fluf...