Chapter Twenty Five

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It seemed that Elvirund had no mercy, not even for me. I awoke to the usual sound of screams and torture, coughing my own breath out in rhythm. All of my skin was cracking, peeling. Was I finally dying? Or did I want to live after all? I couldn't remember my own name. I didn't want to. I wanted to become nameless, faceless, lifeless.

"Oh. You're finally awake." She quietly greeted me.

"I don't want to be. You'd best avoid making it worse."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be," I snarled quietly.

"Why do you hate me?"

"Do I dare answer?"

I opened one eye, tearing a few eyelashes off in the process, and raised my eyebrow at Caphriel. The question didn't come as a surprise. The fact that she had the courage to ask it did.

"No, you're right. I shouldn't ask that." She looked away.

"I thought so." I cracked one knuckle.

"I guess a better question is this: what can I do for you to stop hating me?"

"I don't know. We'll see in time."

She threw her hands up and sighed heavily. The whip clattered to the ground, rolling to a stop near my hand. I could have easily taken it, but I knew I hardly had the strength to keep her from taking it back. It wasn't worth the fight.

"I don't want to keep living like this! What will it take for you to stop seeing me as just another enemy to defeat?"

"Maybe a new life, a reversal of time to the day before you showed up, and removal of the First Elder from the situation."

Caphriel rubbed one eye in frustration, turning her back and reluctantly picking up the whip. A whiff of lavender, of her, floated by me and I tried to imprint it within my mind. She tapped the whip gently against her thigh, muttering to herself.

"I don't want you to hate me."

"How about instead, you focus on being the crazed murderer you are, and stop pretending to be some innocent cherub?"

"I'm not that kind of murderer."

"Your prison sentence says otherwise."

She was quiet after that, carrying out her duty halfheartedly. I found myself languid and unfeeling, two days of this torture having taken their toll. I could tell that I was losing my vision; the onslaught of red fiery light and dim dust air was a bad combination.

"Come on, do your job." I gritted my teeth.

"Not if its going to kill you."

"Then we'll both end up dead."

Her eyes widened momentarily and she stared at me.

"Don't tell me you want to live now, after yelling at me about your death wish."

"Don't get me wrong, I don't want to live, but I need to take care of the First Elder before I go. That's all."

I took a deep breath and regretted it immediately, wincing as my shoulder flared up. Nothing better to start the morning than ten second black outs and a moody guard.



"I know you hate me. I can't change that. But I'll find a way to get you out of this."

"Save your energy for something worth your time. I have things to take care of, including my own business."

"It is worth my time."

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