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I was curled tightly into Adrian's chest when Graham suddenly burst into our bedroom, my eyes flew open and I sat up right.

"There has been a breach by the North-eastern side of the territory, three men are dead and the Rogues aren't stopping" Graham breathed out.

"Get the elderly, women and children in the safe house! Adrian let's go" he rolled out of bed and we hurried out the house. I didn't waste time and shifted into my wolf instantly.

'What do they want!' I growled through the pack-link.

'We don't know Alpha; they just attacked us' I heard Malcolm answer.

'I want every person that is able to fight to follow me right now. Graham and Seth will escort the others to safety, but the rest will fight' I barked and my wolf let out a thunderous growl. I see the fields by the North-eastern side and frown this is totally stupid, why attack where there is no hiding for you? Then the smell picked up, the smell of rot and blood.

"Show yourselves!" I growled but it remained quiet. I shifted and Adrian growled before getting me a shirt.

"You have to stop doing that!" he snapped as he threw the shirt at me and slipped on some sweats.

"Alpha! They've changed route, they're heading straight to the pack house!" Seth shouted as he came sprinting down the hill.

"What!" I started running but something between the trees caught my attention, eyes- red eyes. Rogues they were here and they were waiting.

"Seth get more men and protect the house, they're still here" I turned and glared at the eyes. Soon enough one cocky rogue shifted and emerged from the trees.

"Why good evening Alpha" he smiled at me and I snarled at him.

"What do you want!" my wolf snarled and some of the rogues cowered back.

"Well I was expecting more of warmer welcoming" he smirked.

"Start talking or your blood will spill" my wolf has completely taken over and her voice thunder across my land and my men squared their shoulders more, growing more confident and stronger as I got angrier and more powerful.

"That's not a nice thing to say from such a pretty lady" he stepped forward and Adrian let out a ferocious growl.

"Get your eyes off my mate!" he snapped and stepped forward threateningly.

"Oh, so this is the famous Alpha Christen's mate I've heard of" he looked at Adrian with an evil gleam in his eye.

"What do you want!" my wolf roared and I felt myself shifting, the rogues eyes grew large and suddenly all of those evil red eyes came rushing from the trees.

"Leave before I tear you apart" I snarled, memories of my brother's attack surfacing.

"I don't think so" he chuckled before shifting into a snarling, disgusting, shaggy brown wolf. Without any warning I smashed into him and bit down hard onto his snout, he yelped and tried to shake me off, giving me the opportunity to throw him to the side, he fell but didn't get up I was about to go for him when a growl from my left caught my attention. Adrian was snarling at two rogues who were slowly circling him, I ran forward shoved my head under his and the rogue snarled, it looked like I was submitting and cowering into Adrian, but actually I was blocking them from his throat, wolves do it too. But looks like these rogues are a bit clueless. The one lunged forward straight for me but I growled and jumped forward meeting him half way. The rogue exposed his throat and that's all I need to close my jaws around him and apply a lot of pressure. The rogue stilled immediately and I turned to see Adrian already helping another member.

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