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The sharp pitter-patter of the water hitting the shower floor, sliced through my senses and I squeezed my eyes shut. Breathing in through my nose the sharp scent of iron and blood washed into my senses. Glaring at the blood on my hands and arms I started scrubbing them clean with soap. I lost control and for once in my life it felt good, it felt good to get rid of all the stress it felt good to let go and let my wolf take over. I knew deep down inside that maybe ripping deer and buck apart wasn't the best idea but it helped. When my hands were clean I started washing my hair and getting rid of all the grime and dirt, sighing I rested my head against the wall, allowing the warm water to run down my back. 

'Alpha we have a problem at the Northern border' Graham mind-linked me, growling I shut the shower off, grabbed a shirt and rushed outside where I shifted and ran. Jumping over logs and skidding around corners I made it to where Graham and three more men where standing, Jason among them, shifting I slipped my shirt over my head and walked over to them.

"Male rogue, young, cocky and aggressive" Graham told me as I approached them.

"What are you doing on my land?" I asked the rogue and he growled at me, grabbing him by his chin I snarled in his face. 

"I'm not asking again, what are you doing on my land?" I glared into his eyes, he ripped his head out of my hand and for a moment his neck was exposed and that's when I saw it. A crescent moon was burned into the tender skin of his neck. The symbol of Ian's filthy pack of mutts.

"Ah, you're one of Ian's filthy scavengers" I chuckled and turned my back on him, gathering my thoughts, his eyes widened as I twirled around and grabbed his head. 

"You poor unfortunate soul were you truly prepared to sacrifice your life to do the biding of such a fowl creature"

"I'm not sacrificing my life" he growled trying to shift.

"Oh, but you are, see Ian sent you here to remind me that he killed my mate and he knew. He knew you would die if you stepped onto my land. Thus you did sacrifice your life for him, how noble" I grinned before snapping his neck right there. 

"Burn his body" I said and walked off. Leaving Graham staring at me with pity, oh how I hate that look. 

"Alpha!" someone suddenly shouted and I twirled around four more wolves had appeared and they were snarling viciously at me. Rolling my shoulders, I smirked at the wolves in front of me, they were covered in grime and mud to cover their scents. Shifting I leap forward and landed in front of my men, growling I puffed up my fur to look bigger. One rogue - a female- shrunk back and I snarled once more. Raven was growling and snarling in my head and so I let her come forth, without warning she lunged forward catching everyone off guard as she sunk her teeth into the rogue nearest throat. A sickening crunch echoed in the deathly silent atmosphere as she tore and ripped the wolves throat out. A brave yet stupid soul stepped forward and flattened his ears, a clear challenge. Raven lifted her tail in anger and stepped forward towering over the rogue, which still hasn't backed up. Finally Raven had enough as she charged at the rogue and bulldozed him over, she didn't waist a second as she sunk her teeth into his tender soft skin and pulling out his jugular. She then leaped  to the other female rogue and took her out without a second to spare, she was on a rampage as she shook the female rogue's lifeless body and chucking her into a tree, breaking her back. She turned and growled at the last remaining wolf, who still hasn't run away. He shocked her by submitting and laying flat on the ground exposing his stomach. Shifting back into my human form and giving me control I grabbed the wolf by the scruff of his neck.

"Shift!" I barked but the wolf snapped into my direction, successfully nipping my arm and breaking the skin. Growling he ripped out of my grip as he noticed I had lost focus and took off into the forest. I stood upright and watched as the grey wolf zipped between the trees and disappearing. Glancing down at my arm I saw my wound freshly healed and already the scar was disappearing. 

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