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There was a quiet knock on my door early the next morning, yawning I got up and opened the door only to find Lindsay- no surprise. 

"Morning Chris" she smirked as she entered and I sighed.

"Morning" I mumbled and she chuckled.

"So?" she said drawing out the word like she was waiting for me to confess something.


"How was it?" she asked and I frowned.

"How was what?" I asked and she lifted an eyebrow.

"You know what" she winked and I groaned, how the hell did she find out so quickly, it only happened a few hours ago!

"How did you find out?" I asked.

"Alex told me" she shrugged.

"Arg what is with the people in my life that can't keep their mouths shut and mind their own business?" I grumbled and she chuckled.

"Oh stop stalling and spill! Was it a good kiss?" she wiggled her eyebrows and I sighed.

"Yeah it was... okay" I shrugged, not really wanting to discuss the kiss I shared with Grayson last night.

"Oh, come on! You're telling me sharing a kiss with a man like that as just okay? You're bloody stupid if that's what you think" she snorted.


"No, Christen please!" she pouted and I sighed. "Please, please, please, please, please, please" her face was going slightly pink as she took a deep breath. "Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, pleaseeeeee" she whined and I chuckled.

"Okay, okay I'll tell you" I smiled and sat down again, she followed suit. 

"Soooo" she looked at me with bright eyes and I smirked.

"It was different" I paused.

"A good or a bad different?" 

"An interesting and quite enjoyable different" I smiled and she giggled.

"What was so different about Grayson's kiss compared to Adrian's?" she asked hesitantly as she expected me to flinch or stop talking, but I didn't.

"Well Adrian's kisses were...soft and..gentle...they were passionate but at the same time cute. Get it. Adrian wasn't such a demanding guy at all." I stopped and she leaned forward.

"And Grayson's?" she whispered.

"Uhm...he's different"

"Yeah I know, but how different?" she rolled her eyes.

"His kiss.." I stared blushing and her eyes grew wide. "It was thrilling, toe curling, stomach knotting, heart clenching, breath takingly different. He was pushy and demanding, he was..uhm rough and..dominating...it was different" I looked away from her gaping stare.

"You're blushing" she pointed out and I rolled my eyes. "And you're being so shy about it all, with Adrian you were so open about your flirting and sexuality, but you're not like this with Grayson, why?"

"I don't know, maybe because he's not like Adrian and I don't know how to act around him, so I'm shy?"

"Was it better?" she asked.

"What my kiss with Grayson?" I asked and she nodded.

"It's difficult to say Linds, they're both so different-"

"Do you think Grayson is going to rip your clothes as well?" she asked me out of the blue and immediately all my blood rushed to my face.

"I don't know! I haven't though about that!" I yelped in embarrassment.

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