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"Christen!" a tiny voice shouted and I turned around, running towards me was Graham's little sister Kimberly her golden blonde hair was flowing out behind her as she ran down the slope towards me. She was just like her brother always running around, I smiled as the fifteen year old wrapped her arms around my waist tightly. 

"Hey you how are you?" I asked and she smiled up at me.

"Amazing! And you?" she asked and I chuckled.

"Good why are you so happy?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"It's a secret" she chuckled.

"Come on Kim, you can tell me" I smiled and she pouted acting like she was thinking.

"Okay but then you have to do something for me" she winked at me.

"Hmm okay but tell me"

"I saw my brother making out with Lindsay in his office!" she smirked and my eyes grew large.

"What! When!" I asked.

"Uh right this second I went to ask him something when I saw it" she chuckled.

"Oh, gross my best friends getting it on" I chuckled and she laughed her bubbly laugh.

"Gross who would want to kiss my skanky brother" she chuckled and I laughed.


"What it's true!" she joked and I rolled my eyes playfully at her.

"Okay what do you want me to do?" I asked.

"Wait what are you going to do with them? Grill them? Expose them? Tease them?" she listed all the things I should do.

"Nah I think I'll leave them and see where things take them, do you think they're mates?" I asked and she frowned.

"I didn't think about that but isn't it to late? They've known each other for years now?"

"Well not everyone's meeting with their mate is instant, some people know each other their entire life and then one day they just know" I smiled.

"Can I ask you something? Promise you won't get mad" she said softly.

"Kim" I chuckled softly and took a breath knowing what she wanted to know. "I knew Adrian my entire life he was my brother's best friend. In the beginning when we were kids I was always Louis' little sister and thus I was Adrian's little sister. So Adrian already had a bond with me, a loving sisterly bond. But as cliche as it is when I was fourteen I developed a huge crush on him but at the time he was sixteen and didn't pay me much attention. When I turned sixteen he was eighteen and he all of a sudden became possessive when guys would ask me out or when I went on dates and then three months after my first shift we were having a bonfire and it just changed. I looked at him and he looked at me and we knew. I was my brother's best friend's mate and he was his brother's little sister's mate. He's known me since I was in a diaper and none of us thought we were mates. So our meeting wasn't instant it was gradual. We've always loved each other just in different ways and or love just grew more and more until it was time for us to love each other fully" I said softly and she was hanging on every word I said. 

"Wow" was all she whispered and I chuckled.

"Can you like explain your meeting in detail or is that to much to ask?" she asked softly and I shrugged.

"Like I said. We were at a bonfire and I was sixteen. I was hanging out with Lindsay tucked away in a darkish corner away from the rest. We were laughing at each other as we had a burping contest- she won by the way- anyway I was about to let out a huge burp when there was a rustle behind us. We both spun around to look for the source when Louis and Adrian came screaming out the bushes running right at us. We got such a shock that Lindsay nearly started running and I kind of let out this tiny shriek. They of course were rolling with laughter. My brother was biting onto his fist and Adrian was bent over resting on his knees with laughter, we waited until they collected themselves so we could tell them off properly. But when they sobered up and Adrian stood up straight wiping a few tears away we made eye contact and I can still remember the precise thought I had at that moment. 'Wow he looks even better in the moonlight' it's silly but then he just sort of froze and then it was like the entire night became brighter and everything clicked. I could smell him clearer, I could hear his heart beat and I could feel him. His tense stare was making the whole atmosphere electric and he said it first. That one little word "mate". My brother wanted to object but Lindsay glared at him. It took us a few minutes to realize we were just staring at each other and that there was still three meters separating us. I was the first one to make a move, I took a step forward but he took it further. Before I knew it my crush or more like it my mate was kissing me softly. Adrian was my first kiss since he stopped every guy's attempt to kiss me because he unknowingly wanted to kiss me because he was my mate." I smiled as I looked at the horizon.

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