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We made eye contact for a second before I looked at the floor.

"Sorry I-I um-" I turned to walk away before I felt my body weight being pulled into the elevator.

"NO!" I screamed.

The doors shut in front of me and I felt my skin crawl immediately. I was alone with this monster, again.

"Hello again" Jordan smiled evilly. "Jordan please I-I shouldn't- I need to-". "Need to what darling? Need to go?" Jordan interrupted.

I looked up at his face, his eyes were like darts.

"Yeah I um- Miss Dreer is waiting for me I needed the toilet and she'll be wondering where I am now so I should go" I lied.

I reached for the button to open the doors but he snatched my hand away bending it painfully.

"Jordan please" I whispered.

My whole body was shaking in fear.

"We have unfinished business you and I don't we" He winked at me.

I felt sick coming up my throat.

Level 3
Level 2

"Jordan I should-"

He violently pushed me against the wall as the doors opened in the Lobby and pulled me back into his chest holding my hands tightly.

"I don't see Miss Dreer or anyone from school, did you lie to me? I hate liars you know" He snarled. "No they must have come looking for me, i've been gone quite a while" I lied.
"Why's there paparazzi everywhere?" He asked me.

He obviously didn't know Justin was staying there.

"I dont know" I gulped.

I'd been gone at least half an hour, it would have took me 10 minutes to get coffee and come back, I wonder if Justin was worried.

Jordan pushed me out of the elevator twisting my arm painfully.

"We're gonna go somewhere private to finish what we started" Jordan whispered in my ear.

I felt my body weight drop and I lost all hope until I saw Justin in the lobby. He was smiling and taking pictures with fans, blissfully unaware that I was being escorted to hell just metres behind him. I had to get his attention.
With seconds to think of a plan, I dropped to the floor dragging Jordan down with me.

"What the fuck are you doing you stupid whore?!" Jordan yelled.

Exactly what I wanted. He grabbed my shoulders and lifted me up, digging his nails deep into my skin. Jordan was yelling at me at the top of his lungs and Justin didn't even turn around.

"Justin please" I whispered.

Jordan somehow must have heard me but he repeated his name loudly.


This made Justin turn around.

"Char!" Justin yelled running over to us.

He grabbed Jordan by the arm and warned him to get off me.

"Justin don't make a scene, there's paparazzi everywhere, this'll be bad for your reputation. If you hurt him, there'll be pictures of you all over the papers and people will get the wrong idea" I explained with a muffled voice.

"Char shut your eyes" Justin said. "What?" I asked. "Shut your eyes" Justin repeated.

Something inside me trusted him so I obediently shut my eyes before feeling myself hit the lobby floor. I winced in pain and held my head as I heard yells and multiple camera's taking pictures.

"Keep your eyes shut i've got you" Justin said as he directed me away from the noise.

Sing For The Moment - Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now