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I pretended I didn't care about Selena regaining consciousness because she heard my name... but I did. It was eating away at me. I needed to tell someone, anyone but Justin, I couldn't let him know my insides were aching, I couldn't make him feel any worse then he already did, but no one else knew about it.

In the pizza shop I sat and twiddled my fingers when I remembered something. I told Charleigh when I was drunk!

"Justin, I just um, need to use the bathroom" I said hurrying to the toilets with my phone in my hand.

ring ring, ring ring

"Come on!" I whispered to myself.

It rang out.

Fantastic, the only other person I could speak to about it was busy.

Back at the table Justin was digging into a slice of pizza as I sat down.

"So what are we going to do? Just hide here in Mexico? Hide from it all?" I asked. "What do you suggest we do Char?". "I don't know Justin. This whole thing has been a mess". "Maybe you shouldn't have pushed Selena. Then maybe we wouldn't be in this mess!". "I didn't mean the Selena situation, I meant meeting you".

Justin stared at me, he looked hurt.

"So you're saying you wish you never met me?". "Exactly". "Well if i'd never have turned up that night, you would have been raped. Work that one out Charlene". "Don't call me Charlene, don't talk to me like you're my father Justin. You don't own me". "You never had a father so how do you know what it's like to be spoken to by one?". "Did you really just fucking say that to me?". "You heard it didn't you".

He took another bite out of his pizza.

"You are nothing but a child Justin, grow the fuck up you're nearly 20! I can't believe you really just spoke to me like that!".

I felt a lump in my throat, I couldn't let him see that he made me upset. The day my grandma Lydia died, I knew I had to be strong... for my own sake.

I stood up and left the pizza shop without looking back.

I wandered down the streets alone, I ha no idea where I was, I didn't know my way around Mexico.

Suddenly my phone rang, it was Charleigh.

"Hello?" I answered.
"Biebs girl! You rang me?".
"Yeah I um, wanted to know if we could talk?".
"It's Selena... Remember me telling you about her?".
"Yeah, the girl you thought you killed but didn't".
"Yeah that's the thing, she was unconscious in hospital and Justin went to visit her, but he said my name to her mom and... Selena woke up".
"Are you serious?".
"Yeah. I don't know what to do though. Me and Justin had an argument and now i'm wondering round Mexico alone".
"What the hell are you doing in Mexico?".
"Holiday with Justin".
"Cute. So what do you want me to do?".
"I don't know".
"You're gonna have to talk to him Char, I can't do much while you're in Mexico and i'm in California can I?".
"Okay Charleigh, thanks".

I hang up.

"So much help... not" I murmured to myself.

Suddenly my phone began to ring. It was Justin. I shrugged and ended it; it started to ring again.

"Eager" I thought to myself. "I guess he's come to his senses". I picked it up.

"Justin i'm not coming back to the restaurant so don't ask me to. We need space so I can think". I said.

He didn't answer.

"Hello? Justin?".

He didn't reply so I hung up. He must have called me in his pocket. But my phone began ringing again.

"Hello? Justin".

"Thank you doll" A man with a spanish accent said.

"Um, who is this?" I asked worried.

"Hola señorita my name is Esteban. I have your pretty little boyfriend and I know exactly where you are, I just tracked your call" He laughed.

"Justin? Is this a joke? Stop! You're scaring me" I laughed nervously.

"Señorita this is no joke, why are you laughing?".

Suddenly my stomach dropped, the reality of the situation had hit me.

"Where are you? Are you still in the restaurant? I'm coming back" I stated.

"You can try to come back señorita but you'll never find the way. You've never been to Mexico have you? You don't know your way around. Don't try to kid me" He snarled.

"What do you want?" I gulped.

"You'll see" he laughed.

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"You'll find out soon enough. By the way, thats a pretty green scarf you have on".

I looked down and clutched my green scarf.

"How the fuck did you know that?!" I yelled. "I don't take kindly to swearing doll, so don't" he ordered.

He hung up.

I looked around me, I had no idea where I was. There was no people anywhere, apart from 4 figures walking my way.

I threw my scarf onto the floor and ran. I ran until I felt sick and I outran the figures.

"Hola, are you okay? You look tired" A man said.

"Yes i'm fine, do you-"
"Have a drink? Si si. Here" He interrupted handing me a harmless looking bottle of water.

I took a large gulp and breathed hard, before taking another few gulps.

"Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep sweet señorita, go to sleep, go to sleep" he sang.

"What?" I asked confused.

He put his index finger on my lips and gestured for me to shush.

Suddenly I felt extremely drowsy and my body weight began to get heavier. I fell onto the man, unable to stand up. My legs were becoming paralysed, my arms were becomes stiff. I tried to speak but my words came out slurred.

"Sleep now señorita" he repeated.

Everything went black.

Sing For The Moment - Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now