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As soon as we got home I slammed the door, locked it and shut all the blinds and curtains.

"Char what the hell are you doing?" Justin panicked. "They're gonna come for me, they're gonna take me away" I cried.

I started to push the furniture towards the door.

"They can't get in unless we let them in right?" I stammered.

Justin grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into his chest, paralysing my arms.

"Calm down Charlene" He pulled me closer into his chest. "You're sounding like a crazy person, moving the damn furniture around".

I tear slipped from my eye and I sobbed into Justin's chest.

"Jordan didn't know who Charleigh or Bethan was, he would have told the cops our names" I stated. "Shhh baby" Justin sang. "What? Get off me Justin!" I yanked myself from his grip. "If you're gonna ignore me and tell me to shush, I suggest you get the fuck outa my house!" I screamed and pointed to the door. "It's our house" He raised an eyebrow. "Yeah I bought this place for us, but I bought it using my own money therefore it's my name on the fucking receipt, so it's mine" I gritted my teeth.

Justin ran his fingers through his hair.

"Okay i'm sorry" he apologised. "Good. -But your apologies won't make the situation any better" I answered bluntly. "So what do you want me to do? I'll do anything, just tell me what and i'll do it!".

I breathed heavily, sucked my lips into my mouth and stared up at Justin.

"I want you to get rid of Jordan Ross, for good".

Justin's jaw dropped.

"You mean kill him?". "Not you, someone else". "Like who?". "I don't know, hire a hit-man, anything! I want him dead and buried".

I could see Justin thinking, I cocked my head and he nodded in agreement.

"So it's settled. Jordan Ross is to be killed. I want it to hurt him, just like he hurt us, I want him to feel anger towards his own mother for bringing him into this world. Do you understand?". "Yeah, i'll sort it. I need to make a call". He wandered into the other room.

"Hey man it's me-
I've got a job for you-
You're here?-
Okay, track my call-
See you later".

"He's coming now, he should be here in 10 minutes, he's already in LA doing another job" Justin scratched his head and I hugged his chest tightly.

"Thanks for doing this for me" I said into his chest. "I have to protect my fiancé don't I?" he kissed my forehead lovingly. "Yep" I grinned.

Justin's phone started to ring, he answered it then told me to open the front gates.

"He's here" he stated. I nodded, opened the gates and unlocked my front door. The guy sounded huge, his footsteps boomed down the corridor and I sat nervously awaiting his arrival.

"Char this is-" "Marcus!" I interrupted. "What? You know each other?" Justin was confused.

I ran at Marcus and jumped onto his waist and hugged him.

"Hey man, get of my damn fiancé!" Justin warned. Marcus put me down and I turned to Justin.

"He's not interested in me like that or anything you idiot, stop being so paranoid!". "Well who is he then?". "I'm her brother" Marcus interrupted. "Brother? You've never mentioned any brother to me before?". "We're not related through blood. Remember I told you that story about me being thrown around care homes until I was 12? Well Marcus lived at the last one I was at, I was there for nearly 2 years, he's like my big brother. He is my big brother" I corrected.

I hugged Marcus again.

"I've not seen you in years! What happened? Why did you stop coming to see me at the boarding house?" I asked Marcus. "I got moved away,
they didn't tell me until I had to pack my bag, I wanted to come and say bye but they wouldn't let me, they said you didn't matter because you didn't live there" Marcus twisted his lips. "I'm sorry Char, I never meant to leave you like I did" He apologised. "It's okay, you're here now" I smiled. "Not for long, I have to do the job and leave, I can't stick around, the cops might find me. I can't be linked emotionally in any way". "Oh" I lost eye contact.

"Wait, how do you know Justin?" I frowned. "He'a a regular customer, he calls me into do jobs all the-". "ANYWAY!" Justin yelled over Marcus. "He calls you in to do jobs all the time? What?! When?! Who?!" I yelled. "Baby it's nothing" Justin hushed me. "Don't baby me! You tell me who you've had killed, when they were killed and why?!" My blood started to boil.

"Just a few nobodies, they don't even matter-". "Marcus, who did you kill for him?". "An old paparazzi guy, a spanish guy called Esteban or something and Aiden Mccole" Marcus answered immediately. "So much for anonymous, confidential and no questions asked Marcus" Justin rolled his eyes and tutted. "She's my little sister, what she says goes".

"So you hired someone to kill the paparazzi guy you punched for holding my waist in New York, Jordan's psychotic, Spanish, dad's, friend's brother and... who's Aiden Mccole?". "He's no one-". "Marcus who's Aiden Mccole?". "Selena Gomez's ex-boyfriend" He answered immediately.

I frowned at Justin.

"He kept pestering her while we were together. He needed to be taught a lesson" He answered defensively. "You're so jealous" I rolled my eyes.

"Are we arranging the hit or not?" Justin sighed. We all sat down. "Okay, i've done some research and Jordan's being let out of his dingy cell tomorrow at 12 noon. He'll either go to the airport to go home to Boston, or he'll stay at his friend's house here in LA. His friend's name is Harley Warden. I doubt he'll have any money so i'm guessing he'll go to his friend's house. The details are all on this piece of paper" Justin held out the piece of paper. "Burn it" Marcus ordered. "What?". "You can't let this job trace back to you in anyway, burn it". Justin nodded.

"So when are you gonna pay?" Marcus asked. "Now if you want?" Justin stood up. "Come through, Char stay here". Justin planted a wet kiss on my lips and started into the kitchen with Marcus following closely behind.

"I don't want Char to hear, it's for her own good" I heard Justin whisper. "That's fine. $250,000 please. Cash. You know the routine" Marcus whispered back.

I peered through the crack in the door and saw Justin handing over 100s of notes. They set off back.

"Okay well, i'm going now. The job will be done tomorrow. See you later sis" Marcus pulled me into a bear-hug. "Try and come back again, even if it's just for a little while, or i'll come to you, let me know. Love you Marc" I tried not to cry.

Marcus left and I sat down with Justin.

"It'll all be over soon" Justin stroked my knee.

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