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Char's POV

"Char do you wanna explain what's going on?!" Justin yelled. He started to emerge from the back of the courtroom towards me and murmurs started to rise.

"SILENCE IN THE COURTROOM!" The judge yelled.

Justin came closer and closer and I could see betrayal and frustration in his eyes. The cops warned him away but he came right up to the box.

"Char you said your parents were dead. You said they died in a car accident when you were little" he glared at me. "I-I-" I stuttered. "Don't you dare lie to me!" He yelled. "Sir you need to step back!" the cop pushed Justin away. "No please, I-" I started. "You lied to me. How could you lie about the death of your parents Char?! Talk to me for Christ's sake!" he screeched. "I don't know what to say! Please!" I begged. Tears slipped freely from my eyes. "I want the truth! That's what you need to say!".

"Hello, you must be the husband" Char's mom approached Justin. "No. Fiancé, but I need to re-think my relationship status" His eyes darted to me. "No. Please don't break off the engagement Justin I love you" I cried. "If you love me, why did you lie to me?! You're sick Char, sick!". He tugged at my hair.

"Lied about what?" My mom interrupted. Justin glanced at her then back at me. "Are you gonna tell them or am I?" He snapped. "Justin please let's just talk about-". "She told me you were both dead. She told me you had drinking problems and both died in a car accident, so she went to live with her Aunt Lydia. I bet she doesn't even exist does she Charlene?" He went on. "I don't like being called Charlene". "Well I don't like being lied to by my fucking fiancé! How about that one?!" Justin growled.

"Please just. Let me explain" I looked away. "Explain then". He entwined his fingers and glared at me in a way that seemed patronising. "We're in the middle of a court room Justin, not now" I leaned towards him. The cop stood next to me had disappeared at this point. I think the people in the room got so frustrated that someone started fighting but I didn't even notice. "Char you either talk now, or i'm going and i'm not coming back" he snarled.

I took a deep breath.

"I wasn't the best behaved kid when I was little, I was bad at school and I broke my toys and I hit people for fun, I enjoyed hurting people, and do you wanna know why? Because those two sons of bitches beat the shit out of me!" I pointed to my mom and dad. "I'd be bad, so they'd hit me, so i'd be even worse. Yeah Marcus was at one of my care homes, because I ran away when I was 9, and I stayed in that care home till I was 11, then I was moved to the boarding house. I told everyone my parents were dead because they were dead to me! I wanted them to be dead" I threw an evil glare at my parents.

"What about Aunt Lydia?" Justin frowned. "I made her up. I wanted an Aunt like that, so I imagined one. I never had a nice Aunt who bought me candy and took me on walks in the forest. I wanted one, and the only thing I could do was imagine one" I took a deep breath. "Happy now?" I looked up. "Oh Char why didn't you just tell me baby" Justin cooed. "Because I felt like an idiot. Now i'm trying to get my life on track with you and my music and they won't let me!" I put my head in my heads.

"You need to leave now. Leona, Harry, thanks for everything, but go home" I heard Justin say.

"Charlene Watts your case has been postponed until further notice. Please come with me" A huge cop gripped my forearms and lead me to the door.

"I Love you" Justin mouthed to me. "I love you too" I smiled back.

Once we was back in the prison, I changed out of my dress and back into my prison uniform when Ace appeared.

"Cent? What are you doing?! You didn't get out?" She frowned. "It was postponed because it all kicked off. My parents, who I told everyone was dead, turned up. Justin went crazy, there was a fight somewhere in there and Talaina just sat, silently at the back of the courtroom... watching me" I put my head in my hands. "I nearly lost him Ace, he was so close to leaving me". "Oh Char" she cradled me.

5 hours later...

"Charlene Watts! To the main office, now!" The speakers boomed.

I sat up in my bunk.

"What the hell is this about?". Ace shrugged. I rolled my eyes and trudged to the main office where I was faced with Mr Krip, 2 cops and my lawyer.

"What's going on?" I sat down nervously. "Theres been a cancellation of a court hearing, therefore you can go again, in 10 minutes. Go change back into your dress" Mr Krip went on. "Are you for real!" I jumped with excitement. "Yes" He said sternly. "I'm getting ooooutttt!" I sung happily.

I was shooed out and before I knew it, I was back in the courtroom.

"...and the verdict is.... not guilty".

My jaw dropped and I threw my head back.

"Thank you your honour" I nodded my head and skipped out. "Uh, could you give this to Ace- uh, Veronica Justum" I handed officer Frat a letter.

It read:
If you're reading this, i'm out, i'm free! I wrote this the night you told me about Talaina and Trey. I'll get her for that, trust me, and when you get out, you won't have to get yourself into more trouble. When you get out you're going to be a happy woman, and you'll live a happy life. Baby Trey looks over his Mom everyday, you're his angel, and he's yours. Thank you for these past few weeks. You're an amazing friend Ace xoxo

I danced outside the court and breathed in the fresh air, freedom smells good; I turned to my left and saw Justin and Talaina hugging.

"Not this time bitch" I muttered before pulling my shoes off and marching over to her.

"Get off my fiancé!" I screeched. "Char!" Justin stood up. "You're out oh my God I love you!". He tried to hug me but I was busy.

"You need to learn to not mess with other kid's toys" I recited before throwing a powerful punch into Talaina's nose. I felt her nose crunch under my boney knuckles and she plummeted to the concrete. She clutched her nose and cried aggressively.

"What was that for?" she managed to speak through her sobs. "I helped you get out!". "Darling I did that all by myself, because I didn't kill Selena. Now back off my fiancé" I screeched. I breathed slowly and put out my hand to help her up. She took it and hauled herself up and I slyly threw another excruciating punch at her jaw. Her face flew left and she cried some more.

"And that one was for killing my best friend's little boy. Remember? Ronnie Justum? Trey Justum? He was 7 months old you twisted bitch" I spat whilst dragging her towards the cops that'd come outside to see what the commotion was. I threw her at their feet and glared at them.

"What's the problem miss?" one asked. "Talaina Nelluc, she murdered a 7 month old baby called Trey Justum, son of Veronica Justum".

I cocked my head and wandered off back to Justin.

"What was that about?" Justin smirked as he pulled me into his chest by my waist. "Nobody messes with my fiancé" I grinned before our lips connected.

I parted my lips slightly and Justin slid his moist tongue in and we moved side to side in motion. He pulled away and smiled at me before planting his lips on my cheek and planted wet kisses down towards my neck sending shivers through my spine. Fuck. He grabbed my ass; squeezed it roughly and picked me up. My breaths got heavier.

"Let's go somewhere" I panted. "I want you".

He fluttered his eyelashes at me and his big brown eyes glittered. He licked his bottom lip slowly, kissed me again and pulled me towards a car.

"Let's go baby" he bit his lip.

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