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I heard mutters of people passing before a crowd gathered behind us walking down the street.

"Oh my god is that Justin Bieber?"
"Justin Bieber has no clothes on"
"Justin Bieber is so hot"

Scooter eventually pulled up next to us in a car. He seemed pretty angry.

"Get in!" He gritted his teeth. "Justin why the hell don't you have clothes on?" his eyes darted onto him as we sped off. "I got evacuated out of my room and I was about to shower" He shrugged. "Here" He threw a shirt at him. "I've booked you into a different hotel under different names. You're Michael Whather and you're Teejhan Buck" He pointed to me second.

"Why have you not booked us in as our own names?" I frowned. "So people won't find you, you've been all over the papers recently, the media's having a damn field day! You both need to lay low!" Scooter turned around and stared out the window. "Who tugged on your tampon" Justin rolled his eyes. I chuckled.

We crept into the new hotel and climbed the stairs to our room; I dived onto our bed and lay face down.

"Hey what's this?" Justin picked a napkin up off the floor next to me. I looked carelessly. "Oh it's just a girl's number I met in a cafe, she's called Bethan, she's nice, a bit strange but nice. She basically had a mental breakdown to me about her ex husband and how they got married too soon and their relationship crumbled" I stared at Justin.

I saw the clogs in his brain work making him think exactly what I thought. What if that happened to us.

"That won't happen to us will it Char" Justin's bottom lip dropped. "I hope not". "So it might do". "We just have to work towards making our relationship good. It doesn't just come easy" I sat up. He kissed my forehead. "Well I love you and I never want to loose you". "I love you too Justin" I smiled and shut my eyes.

"So about, you know, our potential child, what are we going to do?" He scratched his head. "If theres one in there, it only got conceived this morning, we need to wait at least 2 weeks to get a test" I twisted my lips.

I took off my shoes and clothes and climbed into bed and Justin did the same.

"Goodnight Teejhan Buck" Justin laughed. "Teejhan's a nice name" I defended. "Do you want her to be called Teejhan?" Justin rubbed my stomach.

I pushed his hand away.

"Get off! It might not even be a girl.. there might not even be one in there" I ran my finger along my stomach. "Do you want there to be something in there?" Justin asked gently. "Maybe, I don't know. I'm only 19, I don't know if that's too soon for me" I didn't look at him. "But you have a fiancé that loves you, you have a job and we're earning more than enough money to support him/her". "But-". "If you want a house we could buy a house? I'll buy us a really nice one" He interrupted. "Justin I think we're going too fast" I blurted. "What?" He looked hurt.

I took a deep breath.

"I love you, don't doubt that for a second but i'm engaged, possibly pregnant and now you're talking about buying a house together. I'm only 19" I explained. "If you love me, why do you have a problem with it? I don't understand". "I just don't want our relationship to break down like Bethan's and her ex husband's did. He lives in England now so it's not even as if she could pop round to his house and they could talk about it, he's across the world" I twiddled my thumbs. "We don't have to get married for another 5-10 years, I can wait" Justin pleaded. "You sound as if you're going to cry. I'm not going to leave you, you're my whole life, you mean everything to me" I sighed. "I just don't want to be engaged, it's too soon and i'm... i'm just not ready".

I slid my ring off my finger and placed it in his palm and shut his fingers on top of it. He just watched what I was doing carefully and didn't speak. I just turned over and closed my eyes.


I woke up in panic feeling horrible a few hours later. I sat up to concentrate on my breathing and I checked my phone.


Suddenly I gripped my stomach and it lurched, I dived out of bed and raced to the bathroom and vomited in the toilet. I collapsed on the bathroom floor.

"Ugh what's wrong with me" I whispered to myself.

My stomach lurched and I vomited again.

"Char?" I heard Justin yell from the bedroom. "Go back to sleep Justin i'm fine". "Are you being sick?". "Yeah but go back to sleep". "Ok" I heard him start to snore.

I chuckled to myself but vomited again. I ran the tap until it went cold and slurped up some water and splashed it all over my face. I was sweaty but my body shivered as if it was cold but I felt as if i'd thrown up my full stomach and there was nothing left so I trudged back to bed.

I woke up again a few hours later, this time it was 11:34am.

"Char? Are you okay? I heard you throw up last night" Justin shook me. "Just morning sickness I guess" I said without thinking. I stopped in my tracks. "Did I just say morning sickness?" Justin nodded. "I was sweaty last night as well, sleep sweats, that's a sign of pregnancy as well isn't it? Oh shit Justin, do you think there's actually something in here?" I held my stomach. "Maybe" He shrugged.

I held my head and went to the bathroom and drank some water and got into the shower.

Sing For The Moment - Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now