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"You!!!" I screamed when I saw Tia. "Char, whats up?" she asked innocently. "I know what you did!!!" I yelled storming towards her.

She stepped back slightly.

"I don't know what you're talking about" she lied. "Oh but you do" I came face to face with her. "You reek of beer, just like Justin, I know Tia, I know because I saw the messages!" I screamed in her face.

She stepped back.

"If you're gonna back off I suggest you back off to a different country because i'm gonna put you in hospital bitch!" I yelled. "Char i'm sorry, me and Justin, it was a mistake" she cried.

I could feel my blood boiling inside my veins.

"It was not a mistake! I bet you loved every damn second of it, he was going to come home with me that night but he never came back, tell me why?" I stepped closer to her. "It was him Char, he came on to me". "Funny enough, I don't believe that, why would he be with you instead of me?". "He clearly thinks i'm better".

I slapped her across the face and her head flew left. She held her burning cheek.

"What was that for?" she raised her voice. "Do not say he prefers you, it's me that has a ring on my finger, not you, do not raise your damn voice to me, and I slapped you for sleeping with my fiancé!". "It takes two to tango".

I slapped her again.

"What was that one for?". "I don't know, it felt good the first time I guess, and yeah it takes two to tango, but it takes one twisted bitch to get someone else's fiancé stupidly drunk and take advantage of him". "I hope Talaina kills you" She snarled before putting her hand over her mouth.

"You just dropped yourself in it, tell me what you know about Talaina". "No".

I gripped her hair and dragged her to floor.

"I said tell me what you know about Talaina!". "I said no!".

I twisted her arm up behind her back and she yelped in pain.

"Okay fine! Talaina and Selena are working together to kill you, Selena wants Justin dead but Talaina wants to be with him so he isn't going to be killed, just you" she blurted out.

I let go of her arm but kept hold of her hair.

"Why do they want me dead?" I asked. "I've already said enough".

I twisted her arm up her back again.

"Because you pushed Selena down the damn stairs and she went into a coma, you tried to kill her, why else? Get off me!" Tia cried out. "So you're on Selena's side?" I questioned. "She said if I didn't help her she'd kill me, what was I supposed to do? I can't die".

I let go of her.

"If you ever, EVER come near me or Justin again, i'll kill you myself" I threatened. "So you're staying with him?". "I'm not letting you win, i'm not letting any of you win. You see this ring? This is mine, nobody else's, and Justin, he's mine as well, nobody else's. Capeesh?" I snarled.

She nodded and walked in a different direction and I went back to the hotel. I sighed and opened the door, Justin was in the shower.

"Char? Is that you Char?" he questioned.

I opened the shower door and climbed in, fully clothed.

"I can forgive you, if you're willing to admit you're in the wrong and apologise, so we can get past this. I refuse to loose you, you're worth too much" I explained. "I'm so sorry, I really mean that, you mean everything to me Char and I was terrified i'd loose you". I kissed him.

"You do realise i'm naked and you're fully clothed and were both in a shower?" Justin raised an eyebrow. "Oh shit yeah sorry, i'll let you carry on". "Wait- Char is that hair stuck on your ring? What did you do?".

I climbed out.

"Threatened her" I went out of the bathroom. Justin got out 10 minutes later.

We both sat down on the balcony.

"Did you enjoy it?" I looked up. "What?". "Was it good... with her?". "Char I hardly remember it, it was nothing". "Did you enjoy it or not?". "I suppose yeah". "Okay, that's all I wanted to know". "Why?". "I just wanted to know if I needed to up my game, it's obvious I do".

I picked up a magazine but he pushed it back down and held my left hand.

"You see this?" He pointed to my ring. "I went out and bought that especially for you, I knew that you like silver rings with three stones on, one bigger than the others. I bought this especially for you, no one else. You are my fiancé, i'm yours, no one else's. I love you. It was a mistake and I never meant to hurt you, I would never want to make you feel this way because I hate it when our relationship's like this. I just want to cuddle you and kiss you but I feel so awkward because we're in a bad spot. I am truly sorry" Justin added.

"Come here" I smiled. He picked me up and hugged me tightly and kissed me slowly, it felt like a butterfly nest exploded in my stomach, like i'd just met him all over again.

"If you ever cheat on me again, i'll detach this" I pointed to his crotch. He nodded looking terrified.

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