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"Justin! Char! Are you in there?" I heard Pattie shout from outside. "Open the door!".

I rubbed my eyes and climbed of the sofa and let her in.

"Hi Pattie" I yawned. "Sorry doll was you asleep?" I nodded with one eye shut.

She shook Justin until he woke up as well.

"Mom?" he yawned. "Yes it's me. Theres been a delivery man killed just round the corner, he was on a motorbike and a car slammed into him, he had his shirt, cap and the food he was delivering stolen. Who would kill a poor man and steal his food and clothes? Dirty scum" Pattie tutted.

I stared at Justin with my jaw dropped. He shook his head confusedly. I nodded. Selena.

"How do you not know about it? Its been all over the news for days and the police cars have been at the scene for days as well" Pattie asked. "Days?" I repeated. "Yeah? 6 days" Pattie replied.

My jaw dropped even further.

Pattie's phone started to ring.

"One second, it's my friend Carol, her sister's having a baby and i'm godmother" she ran outside and closed the door.

"6 days?" I repeated. "How did we fall asleep and not wake up for 6 god damn days?". "What if Selena-". "No Char she couldn't have poisoned the food" Justin shook his head. "Why are you backing her up Justin? She was capable of killing that poor delivery guy so why couldn't she poison the food?". "She knew i'd eat it, she wants me, she doesn't want to kill me. It just doesn't make sense" Justin sat down and scratched his scalp.

"Carol's sister's in labour! I need to go!" Pattie ran in and kissed both our foreheads and ran back out.

"It had to be Selena Justin! I don't see why you're on her side" I folded my arms. "Char i'm not i'm on yours- wait what's that?" He pointed to a huge bruise on the fold of my arm.

"Shit! What's that!" I gasped. "Have you fallen over or something?". "No" I thought hard. "Do you ever get random bruises like this?". "Not randomly, I only ever get bruises like this after i've had an injection. I had my tetanus jab a couple of years ago and I got a bruise like this then" I shrugged. "An injection?" Justin repeated me.

I nodded before realising.

"What if Selena injected me with something?" I panicked. "Calm down we don't know you've actually had a needle in your arm or not". "No I have, look, you can see the pin prick hole in my arm" I moved my head closer.

"Justin you have one!" I pointed to Justin's arm. "We've been injected with something" My eyes widened. "Well I feel fine, how do you feel?" Justin asked. "I feel normal". "Well maybe whatever was put on us didn't work?" Justin decided.

I nodded in the hope that he was right.

"Do you think she came back between now and 6 days ago?" I asked. "How could she? She didn't have a key?". "I bet she found a way" I muttered. "What was that?" Justin raised an eyebrow. "I just don't see why you're making excuses for her, i'm your girlfriend, not her... or at least that's what I though" I folded my arms and looked away.

"Whatever Char, i'm not making excuses for her, lets just look around" Justin rolled his eyes and headed upstairs.

We looked in 16 bedrooms, they was all fine, except one.

"Justin look, this beds been slept in" I pointed out.

The bed sheets were creased, the cushions were all over the place and there was a imprint of a body in the mattress.

"It looks like it's been slept in recently" Justin added.

I backed into the safety of Justin's chest.

Sing For The Moment - Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now