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"Justin I- I don't know what to say" I stuttered.

Justin took hold of my hand and stared at me.

"Justin I-" "Don't say anything Char. Let me just get this out" Justin interrupted staring down. "This... this isn't for you" he added before spluttering into laughter.

"What?" I asked. "I'm sorry guys you have the wrong table" Justin laughed wiping the tears from his eyes.

"Lo siento, lo siento" The waiters murmured picking up the ring and cake and rushing it back into the kitchen.

My mouth was wide open; Justin was still in fits of laughter.

"What the hell was that?" I asked giggling. "I don't know, I guess it was brought to the wrong table. I see where our relationship is though". "You only became my boyfriend today, I wasn't sure I was ready for you to become my fiancé 7 hours later". "I forgive you".

An hour and a half later we'd finished our food and consumed plenty of alcohol.

"Time to go home" I slurred. "Taxi!" Justin yelled from our seat.

Pablo approached us almost immediately.

"Taxi sir?" he asked. "Yes! My manager is in California so I can't get a fancy limo so a taxi it is my good friend!" Justin laughed patting Pablo's chest. "Okay sir you need to pay your bill first". "Yes! What a good idea! Fetch me the bill" Justin slurred loudly.

Pablo ran into the kitchen and returned with a small piece of paper and two mints.

"37,281.81 pesos please sir" Pablo smiled.

I spat my drink out all over the table.

"What the fuck?!" I yelled. "Shhhh!" Justin hushed me. "That's so expensive!". "It's only like $2000".
"$2794 to be exact" Pablo added. "Talk about expensive taste" I sniggered.

We payed the bill and managed to find our way to a taxi and back to our hotel room.

"We have to go back to California soon you know... to see Scooter and everyone else" Justin said. "Cool". "...And everyone else" Justin repeated. "I heard you?" I shrugged. "I mean Selena, Char".

I glanced up at Justin.

"What?" I questioned. "I have to see her Char, you do too". "I can't see her! Neither can you Justin!". "Here we go with the jealous girlfriend thing". "I'm not being jealous Justin, i'm worried about me. Just for once i'm thinking about myself! What if she remembers me, presses charges! I can't go to jail for attempted murder!". "It was an accident". "The cops won't see it that way". "Whatever Char... i'm tired, just think about it. I have to go and see her". "You don't have to do anything. Can you not just think about your girlfriend and how it might affect her?". "Shutup Char". "No Justin! You're being selfish!". "I don't want to argue". "Well you have an argument!".

He got into bed and ignored me.

"Justin answer me!" I demanded.

He ignore me again.

"You're a wimp! You're a selfish prick!" I yelled.

"A selfish prick?! What the fuck Char i'm the most selfless person you'll probably ever meet!" He yelled back.

I cowered away and went into the bathroom.

"Now who's the wimp?!" Justin yelled at me.

I went into the bathroom and sat on the floor and held my head. It was spinning and the thought of Selena remembering me was involved in the tornado consuming my thoughts.

"Fucking ass hole" I whispered to myself.

Justin's POV

I want to see Selena, I want to find out about the way she is and her condition... but at the same time I don't want to hurt Char. I don't want her to remember me and then remember the girl who was stood next to me as she went hurtling down the staircase.

I heard Char call me an ass hole but I don't even want to argue with her. I hate arguing with her. She's a bitch when she's drunk, she say's whatever she feels like and doesn't care about the receiver of the words.

She's in the bathroom now, probably asleep on the floor. I climbed out of bed and peeked into the bathroom. Correct. She was fast asleep on the bathroom floor. I trudged over to her and picked her up.

"Come on" I whispered.

I carried her to bed and lay her down in it, climbing in after her. She immediately turned around and buried herself into me.

Sing For The Moment - Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now