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Chapter 51💮


Harry's Point of view;

"Thank you Tokyo! We love you!" Me and the boys called out to the roaring crowd as we ran off stage.

That was our last show of the tour, which broke my heart. I didn't want it to end, I didn't want me and the boys not to spend every second of the day together like we had for the past three months.

When I got to my dressing room I collapsed in a heap on a black sofa. Checking my phone, I had fifteen missed calls and text messages from Ruby.

"Shit." I muttered under my breath.

I dialled Ruby's number I to my phone and waited for her to answer, but she didn't.

"Hi this is Ruby, sorry I can't take your call, leave a message after the beep. Beeep."

"Hey Rube, I'm sorry I haven't been answering, I've just been really busy. Can't wait to see you, only a couple of days now. Well, I better go, l-l-l... See you soon."

I couldn't manage to tell her I loved her, it just wouldn't come out.

Group Chat:

Annie;11:45: Change of plans, your not going to Australia, your going home for Christmas. It may be two months till Christmas but you've earned it. Well done, keep up the good work.

Harry;11:45: YESS! Thanks Annie!

Annie;11:47: It's fine. Now shut up before I change my mind.

There's the Annie we all know and love.

"Harry!" Niall breathed as he burst into my dressing room.

"What?" I sat up, glancing at the rest of the boys panting behind him.

"Have you seen Ruby's new video?" Liam asked.

I shook my head slightly "No.."

The boys jumped on the sofa, causing my arms to be squashed into my sockets.

"Look!" Niall shoved the IPad in my face. The music began to play and Niall began to sing along.

"Niall shut up!" Liam shouted as his eyes fixed on Ruby.

We all gaped at the iPad as Ruby's beautiful body danced around. She looked like a model for gods sake. Her lips were covered in a bright red lipstick and she wore a beautiful black dress that floated around her long legs.

The song had a indie edge to it, making it real you in even more. I couldn't wait till I could see her now, I was so ready to fuck her.

"Oh my god." Louis gaped, "don't tell Ell, but fucking hell, she's absolutely gorgeous."

"I know" we all agreed.

Her music and videos were blossoming, she was turning into a woman. She was no longer the sweet teenager who worked at a restraint anymore, she was a professional artist that was famous all over the world. And, I could call her mine.

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