Chapter Four

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Link awoke a few hours later, a huge black and blue bruise on his sunken in stomach. He couldn't even feel hunger anymore. The lack of food only weakened him, nothing more. His ankles were bent in ways the human body was incapable of bending. The sharp pain was gone, all he felt was numbness and cold. His feet were purple and he couldn't feel them at all. His arms and legs were like sticks, almost no muscle left. He was growing thinner every day. James eventually came down with a cup of muddy water. He chuckled and left it for Link. 

James did end up giving Link a little stale bread the next day, which he was grateful for. Days dragged on, every minute felt like a year to Link. Most of Link's days were spent praying for his family, Rhett, and help for himself.  

Angel walked down the road late at night. She passed a hospital where a very tall man and a short woman were talking as they exited. She picked up on their conversation. The man spoke first. "Jessie, I'm telling you that can't be Link. He would never do that. He couldn't." The woman sighed.

"I don't want to believe it either, but it is him. It has to be. You saw him, you heard him." Angel couldn't believe it. They were talking about James' brother. She ran over, her conscience getting to her.

"E-excuse me? I heard you were talking about Link." The man perked up. He looked at Angel with a small smile.

"Are you a Mythical Beast?"


"You're not then. How do you know Link?"

"I have information, but I need money. Meet me tonight. Midnight at the pier. Alone and have money. Deal?" Angel stuck out her hand and the man looked over at the woman.

"We'd like to talk about it for a minute." Angel nodded and the two walked about ten feet away. They were whispering to each other.

"Jess, should we trust her? What if she is some crazy fan? It's possible. And this whole thing seems rather shady. How do I know I can trust her?" Jessie sighed and grabbed Rhett's hand.

"I don't know, sweetheart. I don't know that I want you to. What if you get hurt? Please don't. Ask her for it now. Get the information first if you can. Don't pay her until she gives it to you." Rhett nodded and walked back over, still holding hands with his wife.

"Tell me now. I have money. I'll pay you. Please, I'd feel better." Angel sighed.

"Not right here, sir. It's too open and dangerous. My life is in danger if I tell you this."

"My car. You can sit in my car, no one will hear you. And then you go. I'll pay you after you tell me. I am a man of my word. Do we have a deal?"

"Alright. But only you can hear. She can't." Angel pointed to Jessie. 

"Fine. Let's go." Rhett kept a tight hold on Jessie and the three walked back to the car. Rhett opened the back door and Angel got in. He followed suit and closed the door. "What do you know?"

"He's being held somewhere. He was replaced by someone else. A twin brother he never knew he had. He's not too far from here. That's all I'm saying. His brother threatened my life if I told anyone. He's been in there for about two and a half weeks. Good luck finding him. Hand over the money. $250 will be sufficient."

"$250?! You didn't even tell me who's holding him or where he is!"

"A deal's a deal. I don't want to die." Rhett groaned and got a check from Jessie. He made it out to her and she left. Jessie got in and Rhett started to drive home. Jessie was the first to break the silence.

"What happened? What did she say?"

"He was kidnapped and replaced by his twin brother no one knew he had. It's ridiculous, but I have no other choice except believing her. He's not very far, but I don't know where. I can't get the police involved. They would never believe me. I'm going to find him. I'm going to save him."

"Christy, sweetheart, please eat something." Christy's mom sat down next to her daughter.

"I'm not hungry, Mom, but thank you." Christy's voice was monotone, her heart was so confused and hurt so badly.

"Honey, just pray. Don't divorce him yet. Maybe he'll change. Just pray. God put you to it, he'll get you through it." Christy sighed and nodded.

"I have been. I just... I don't even know anymore, Mom. I don't know what I'm feeling. What happened? Link was the most amazing husband and father and then suddenly.." Christy broke down crying. Her mother hugged her tightly and rubbed her back.

"There, there. God will sort everything out. Leave this to Him. He will help you through this. Life can be confusing and hard, we just need to hold on through it. Things will get better. They always do. Just don't give up. You can make it. Be strong and do not be afraid. We're all here for you."

"N-no. L-Link isn't, h-he.." Christy only sobbed harder. Her heart had been shattered. The man she loved, the man who was absolutely perfect in her eyes was changed. Completely different and it hurt. He had hurt their children, cheated on her, become a drunkard. Where was the Link she knew and loved? What had happened to him? Why had he so suddenly changed? Would her husband ever really return or would he remain this way for the rest of his life? She had no answers to these questions that plagued her mind. She just wanted life to be normal again. She wanted these problems to be taken away. She wanted Link, and Link needed her.

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