Chapter Eight

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James came back down the stairs, an empty beer bottle in his hand. His eyes were red with anger. He walked over to Rhett and Link, smashing the bottle over Rhett's head. Rhett groaned and passed out. James grabbed Link who was shaking in fear. He pushed Link against the wall and taped his wrists to it. He covered Link's mouth with the tape. Link was crying out of fear. The man he once was, the stronger man, was gone for now. Link had been through so much, he was broken and only his loved ones could mend him.

James then did the same thing with Rhett, but the opposite wall. "There, now you can only see each other. You'll love this." James chuckled and smirked before kicking Rhett in the stomach as hard as he could. Link screamed through the tape on his mouth. He cried harder and James went over to him. He slapped Link across the face, hard. "Oh shut up, you baby! You're precious Rhett is gonna have to accept the consequences of finding you. Did you really think he was going to get away with that? You're such an idiot!" James punched Link in the jaw and then went back upstairs.

Link closed his as the tears fell. His jaw ached horribly as well as the rest of his body, but that wasn't what was upsetting him the most. What hurt him the most was that James was now hurting Rhett too and had forced the two men to be away from each other. Rhett was the only comfort Link had right now and he was practically taken away. The tears stung Link's ocean blue eyes, leaving stains on his cheeks as they fell. He squeezed his eyes closed tightly, and waited for Rhett to wake up. He prayed they would get out of here soon with no more harm coming to Rhett. 

About ten minutes later, Rhett's eyes opened and he lifted his head. Shards of broken glass fell from Rhett's hair, a small drop of beer was running down his cheek. He screwed up his face in pain and finally, his fuzzy vision cleared. He saw Link crying, his wrists taped to the opposite wall. Rhett pulled with all his strength against the tape, but James had really bound them. He couldn't get free, he couldn't talk either. Link's head was down, his eyes squeezed closed as tears fell rapidly from his eyes. He sat on his legs and only looked up when he heard a moan. Rhett had moaned to get Link's attention.

The younger man looked up, his face and eyes red and there were tear stains on his cheeks. The tear continued to fall, but Link was relieved Rhett was awake. He also tried to pull away from the wall, but he couldn't. Link's jaw was red and looked slightly out of place, a trail of blood leaked from his dry and cracked lips. All he wanted was to be in the safety of Rhett's arm once again, the only comfort for his weary and frightened heart. Link pulled and pulled against the tape, but James had made sure neither man could get free. 

Rhett looked across the room into his brother's eyes. The bright blue eyes, now dulled to a grayish-blue, were filled with pain, suffering, fear, sorrow, and agony. His jaw was dislocated on one side, but he barely noticed through the pain of separation from his best friend. His  brother, but also his comedic security blanket.

         James lie on the couch one floor above the two men. He had a half empty bottle of beer in his hand, the second bottle he had drunk that day. His hair was a mess, his clothes stained with alcohol and cigarette ash. He, unlike Link, had no need of glasses. He had bought replicas to pose as Link for as long as necessary. James was unemployed, and had no plans to get a job. He already had a thin beard growing, but then so did Link. Four weeks without shaving will do that to you and Link just happened to grow facial hair very fast.

         Jessie sat at home with her sons. She had tried to remain calm, but on the inside, she was terrified. Her husband had been missing for over two days now. She had contacted the police already. She was often lost in her own world of worry and fear. She sat staring out the window as her sons played video games. The two boys knew what had happened, but they tried to remain as calm as possible. They always told themselves that their dad was alright and would be home soon. 

Jessie's thoughts of horrible things happening to Rhett, her worries of what was really going on with Link, everything; were interrupted by a soft knock at the door. Locke paused the game and got up. He gasped. In front of him stood the Neal family, minus Link. Christy smiled a little and wrapped her arms around Locke. She hadn't seen any of them in many weeks. Four and a half. The kids ran to their friends and hugged them so tightly. Locke hugged everyone and Christy walked inside. She sat down next to Jessie and hugged her gently. "Jess, what is it? What's wrong?"

"Rhett's been missing for two days. I don't know where he is. I'm so scared."

"Jess, Link has been missing for four and a half weeks. What that girl said is true. Link has a brother. I called his mom. She told me everything. He's missing too... I-I don't even know if he's alive anymore.." Christy started to sob. "B-b-but, we're praying and hoping. D-don't give up. They'll be home soon... They have to be." Jessie hugged Christy again and let her sob onto her shoulder.

"Y-you're right. He is alive. He is. I can feel it. We're gonna find them. They will be home soon. We just need to pray and hope. They'll be home. They'll be home..."

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