Chapter Ten

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Christy sat on the couch beside Jessie, the two families decided it would be best for them to stick together as much as possible until they got out of this horrible situation. The police had been notified of what was going on and now the news was blowing up everywhere again. News stories, social media, newspapers, etc., were covering the story again.

"YouTuber Link Neal might be taken off charges. Apparently, the man has a twin brother and has been kidnapped. Family is devastated. Police are searching for the YouTuber and his apparent brother to see if these claims are true. We don't know much, but will continue to cover this story."

"Abusive YouTuber's brother is the real one committing the crimes?"

"Is Link Neal innocent?"

Christy tried to stay away from these sources as much as she could; they only filled her with more worry and fear. She couldn't believe what she had done to Link. She left to go back home, but he never did anything. She thanked God that she had not found the courage to get a divorce. She could never forgive herself if that happened, yet she was still in emotional pain, her heart ached desperately for her husband to be home. She wanted him to be safe and well. She knew there was no way he was healthy right now. Little did she know how serious his condition really was. How horribly his own brother had hurt him or the damage he had done.

Link finally awoke after about an hour, all the strength in his shaky body was gone now. He could barely move. He felt wetness on his shoulder, he hadn't moved yet. The soft sounds of someone crying finally reached his ears and he felt Rhett's body shake as he cried onto Link's shoulder. He felt so cold. "R-Rhett?" Link's voice was soft, but hoarse and dry. Rhett gasped and lifted his head, drying his tears quickly. He moved Link into a more comfortable position and then spoke softly.

"Link, you're awake. Are you alright, buddy?" Link's half-opened eyes slowly looked over and met Rhett's. He gave him a look that told him he was not. "Okay, okay. It's gonna be alright, buddy. I promise. We're gonna get out of here. I'm gonna take care of you." Rhett found the old blanket and wrapped it around Link gently. He used such care while Link leaned against him, the younger man's head against Rhett's chest once more. Link's breathing was erratic and shallow. He was so sick and in so much pain.

"Link, you can barely breathe.. Oh gosh. I-I'm just so sorry. I should have found you sooner. Why didn't I go looking for you sooner? Darn car accident! I went into a coma and slept while you went through so much. I should have been more careful. I'm such an awful friend. I'm so sorry." Link sighed softly and lifted his head, his eyes filled with tears.

"R-Rhett.. No. No you are the bes-" Link was interrupted by a coughing fit. "-the best friend in history. You're amazing.. N-no, you are perfect. Don't tell yourself any different. You are my brother. Don't you ever tell yourself that you are awful. You aren't in the slightest way. You are the perfect friend, brother, person. Don't ever change. You are so loyal. How many friends would honestly do all you have for me. Barely any, Rhett. You spent days on end searching for me not even knowing if you would find me or that the man everyone said was me, who was absolutely evil, wasn't me. You could have been searching in vain. And now you've gone through pain for me. T-to be here for me. How is that an awful friend? How is the fact that my James made you cry so hard because of fear that you got into a car accident and w-went into a coma. Oh Rhett, you've gone through too much as well." Link's eyes closed as the tears fell.

His heart ached so badly. It hurt so much to hear that Rhett was starting to convince himself that he was an awful friend, when in reality, Link could never ask for anything more. Rhett was the best friend he could be to Link, and that was the most amazing, perfect friend anyone could ever have. Link loved Rhett, his brother, unconditionally. And Rhett felt the same way towards Link. He probably wouldn't be here if it weren't for Rhett. He just had no idea how much he did for Link, even without trying. Link spoke again, his voice even more hoarse now.

"Rhett, you were in a coma. He hurt you. He hit you over the head. He kicked you. He hurt your heart too. I don't care about anything he did to me, I hate him for what he did to you. So undeserving of the pain and suffering you've gone through. You deserve the world and all the joy it has to offer you. You are an amazing person, Rhett. You do so much good for so many people, but you do the most for me. I would be dead now without you. For sure I wouldn't have held on in here for as long as I have. You are saving me constantly. From the pain of anxiety, the other problems with me, you're always saving me." Link was still crying, his heart ached so, so badly. "N-never tell yourself wh-what you just did.. Please."

Rhett wrapped his arms around Link tighter and gently wiped away Link's tears with his thumb. "Link, I am so sorry. I promise you I won't. Everything you said about me is exactly true about you too. You definitely don't deserve all the pain and suffering you've gone through. He's put you through too much. Far too much. I should never have left that day. I just knew that man wasn't you. Where were you?"

"I was in the attic. I could hear everything and it hurt so much. I just wanted to scream that it wasn't me. Not that I wanted to scream to help myself, to have you save me, I wanted to save you. To help you. Let you know that I was up there, that the man was not me. That I would never do or say the things he was. I was afraid for you. What if he hurt you? And he has. He's going to pay for that. He's going to pay for ever laying a finger on a single hair on your head. I love you so much more than you could ever realize. You are my brother. Not James. Never James. You and only you. My brother, Rhett James McLaughlin. Never another, just you."

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