Epilogue and Thank You

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It took much time and hard work for Link to completely heal, both from the physical and emotional wounds inflicted upon him. But he did and just as he said, he did it with the help of all those that love him dearly. Rhett and Christy were the biggest helps, his brother and his wife. They were there for him constantly. Rhett would help him walk when he was still going through physical therapy to rebuild the lost muscle. Christy would help with whatever Rhett did not do. Rhett did most of the work for Christy, so she could take care of her children. The two men grew closer as best friends and brothers through the hardships they both had faced. They were always there for one another and that made their bond grow stronger. After a several month break for recovery and because Link had gone missing, GMM was back on schedule. They started season eleven, gaining more and more subscribers and views per episode. They had surprisingly, lost no one during this long break. The Mythical Beasts were loyal and supportive. Life went back to normal for the McLaughlin's and Neals. It was as if nothing had ever happened. They were happy. Life was good.

Thank you all so much for reading this book! I'm pretty proud of it and happy with how it turned out. I hope you are too! Your comments and votes brightened my day and I'm sorry for making so many of y'all cry! But, that means I'm doing it right! ;) 

Anyway, today is November 28, 2016 and on November 28, 2015, the first chapter of my first book on Wattpad was written and released! We've come so far since then! 150 some followers and THOUSANDS of reads! That is amazing and I never expected it at all! I've made some great friends! You all mean so much to me and I love you! Thank you!!! Thank you so much for your support! I know I say this too much, but I really do mean it! I never expected this at all! Some silly thirteen year old girl with a laptop sat down and wrote a story she made up in her head, but changed it up a little. And now, now she's a silly fourteen year old, with a different laptop, completing her seventh Rhett and Link fanfiction! That's pretty insane and it's all because of YOU! I wouldn't be doing this is if weren't for you guys! So, thank you. Thank you for everything. It means the world to me.



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