Chapter Sixteen

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Darkness surrounds me still, yet it is different now. I'm so alone now. And so scared. I can't hear, see, or feel anymore. It's as though I'm dead, but still with slight brain activity. What if I do die? Am I going to die? N-no, of course not. I'll wake up. Rhett promised me I would. He doesn't break promises, neither do I. So, Rhett, right now, I promise you that I will wake up. I will come back to you, and to my family. I miss all of you dearly. And because of that, I promise to come back to you as soon as I can.

Three days went by, Link hadn't gotten much better when it came to the coma. He was slowly getting to a healthier weight, but was still underweight. His ankles seemed to be healing pretty well. Rhett sat by his brother's side. He had been released from the hospital the previous day and was, as promised, spending as much time as possible with Link. He was going to be there for the younger man, help him through this to the best of his ability. He would feel guilty if he left Link, because he knew Link would be there 24/7 if Rhett were in this position instead. 

"Hey Link, how's it going today? The doctor says you're not as deep anymore and that there's a chance you can hear me right now. I wonder if you can. Anyway, Christy and the kids are coming to see you later. Christy needs to talk to you when you wake up. She's going to be apologizing, so be prepared for tears." Rhett chuckled softly. He was trying to look at the bright side of things. He wanted to ignore the thoughts that scared him; the thoughts he had buried deep down inside, covered in hope and optimism. 

Rhett looked out the window of the hospital room. Rain slowly fell from the dark clouds that blanketed Los Angeles. The pitter-patter of the drops was almost comforting, constant, just like the beeps of the monitors attached to Link. Constant beeping would normally drive Rhett insane, but not these high-pitched beeps. No, these beeps were also comforting. They were signs of life. The beeping of the heart monitor matched the beating of Link's heart. He was still alive, and seemed to be slowly making his way through the rocky path of recovery. And for that, Rhett was a happy man.

"And guess what else? Barbara and Jade are having a 'playdate' right now. Apparently, they're going nuts. So are our kids. Jess has been texting me. Oh hey, when you wake up, I've got a little surprise for you. I was at the store yesterday and saw this. A huge vat of creamy peanut butter! I just had to get it for you! You're gonna love it! And your feet are healing well and you've gained a little weight. On your way to getting better, buddy! You're doing so well. I'm so proud of you. So very proud. You're gonna be back before you know it! At least awake. Your feet will take a lot of time to heal completely. Time and therapy, but they will. Don't you worry about that. And if you need new ones, I'd happily give you my feet!" Rhett chuckled again.

Reaching forward, Rhett grabbed Link's cold hand. There was a loud crack of thunder. Link hated thunder storms. He had from an early age and Rhett knew this. He squeezed Link's hand.
"It's gonna be just fine, that is, if you're scared. Otherwise, you'd know that already. Don't be scared, brother. There's nothing to be scared about. Just thunder." Rhett gasped and a huge smile spread across his face. Link weakly squeezed his hand back. That was a good sign. A very good sign. "Link! You squeezed my hand back! Oh my gosh! Brother, that makes me so happy! Thank you so very much! You're so strong! Look at you, in a coma, but holding my hand! You got this! You can do this! I believe in you!"

Rhett was smiling so widely. His heart had been lifted from the low depths it had sunk to. Link really was getting better and that made his heart rejoice. The warmth of happiness and hope filled Rhett's chest. He felt amazing, just by the simple action of a weak grip on his hand. Link was still holding on. He was still  holding on, and Rhett was just about ready to explode with happiness because of this. The grip the cold hand provided was incredibly weak, but it was there. He was there. He could feel Rhett holding his hand and reciprocated. And that meant Link could hear him too.

Tears of happiness stung Rhett's emerald green eyes. He was so incredibly happy. The smallest action from Link did this. Sometimes, Rhett could swear he saw the smallest ghost of a smile lightly dance across Link's lips as he spoke to him, encouraged him, helped him. And now, he was sure those nearly impossible to notice smiles were real. Link had been smiling. Rhett leaned down and hugged Link gently, trying to avoid bumping all the tubes and wires. "Buddy, never ever forget this, but I love you very, very much. You mean so much to me. Thank you so much for doing this. You are so dang amazing, dude. I'm so proud to call you my brother!"

         About an hour passed, Rhett had dozed off in the chair beside Link's bed. Link began to move. Actually move. He was waking up. His eyes very slowly opened, he felt as though he had been hit by a truck, but he smiled and spoke. His voice was hoarse and soft. "Rhett? Rhett, buddy, I'm back."

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