Chapter Seventeen

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"R-Rhett?" Link coughed and coughed, he felt so weak. Thankfully, his coughing had succeeded in waking the sleeping man in the chair. Rhett's eyes opened and he froze. Link turned his head and looked at Rhett. A weak smile spread across his face, weak, but there. He was happy to see Rhett. So very happy. "Rhett." Link chapped lips still smiled as the familiar word, his best friend's name, passed them. Rhett's eyes were wide, but then a huge smile spread across his face. He threw himself forward and hugged Link so tightly.

"Link!! You're awake! You're back! Oh my gosh, I-I'm so happy! Link!! I missed you so much! You have no idea! Welcome back, buddy. We all missed you. Oh gosh, Link!!! You're back!!!!!" Rhett laughed out of happiness and felt two arms slowly wrap around his back.

"I-In my head, I promised you and my family that I would for sure wake up. And I did. I love you too much to not come back. And my family, well, you are my family. Part of it. You're my brother. My slightly older brother. My big brother." Link smiled weakly and Rhett chuckled.

"You got that right, little brother. You certainly got that right." Rhett smiled and hugged Link even tighter. He was still very cautious around all the IVs and monitors. Link voice was already quiet, but the breathing mask muffled it even more. Rhett could still hear him pretty well, despite the other noises that interfered.

A nurse stepped in the room to check on Link, and she gasped. "Mr. Neal? Is he awake?" Rhett turned around and smiled. Link spoke up.

"Well, I certainly hope I'm awake, otherwise, there's something weird and creepy going on right now. I feel awake... R-Rhett?? Am I awake?" Link was clearly feeling better, using his humor and sarcasm. It made Rhett laugh.

"Yes, you're awake, brother. And nurse, yes, he just woke up about two minutes ago. Is he going to be alright? He's going to stay awake now, right?" The nurse came over, Rhett stopped hugging Link and sat back down. The nurse began checking up on Link.

"He should. Unless there's something seriously wrong with his brain, but there doesn't appear to be. We're going to have to do some scans and possibly tests now. He'll have to be taken soon. Welcome back, Mr. Neal. How are you feeling?" Link weakly shrugged.

"I'm happy, but I feel like I was run over by a truck and all the strength in my body was taken away by that. And my feet, they really, really hurt. And this tube from my nose to my stomach is making my throat hurt and makes me want to throw up. It hurts in general." The nurse nodded understandingly and soon, Rhett's hand was on Link's shoulder, comfortingly.

"And what about your head, Mr. Neal. Does that hurt in anyway?"

"Uh.. slight headache. Not that bad. I mean, it's more of a low rumble of a headache. I'm okay."

Within an hour, Link had been taken, had scans done and a few tests and now was asleep as he lie in the bed, Rhett sitting at his side. The door to the hospital room slowly opened and a beautiful blonde woman with three young children walked in. Link's family. They hadn't yet heard the news that Link was awake from his coma. Rhett smiled when he saw them. He whispered. "Hey guys. Guess what, he's sleeping right now, but Link is officially out of his coma. He woke up about an hour ago and we talked for a bit. Christy, I know you're going to want to talk to him alone. You guys can wake him and talk. Lily, Lincoln, and Lando, I'll just be in the hall when you guys come out. You guys can stay with me. I'll get you some ice cream."

The kids smiled and Rhett got up. He closed the door quietly. He soon heard the sounds of happy kids, tears of happiness, and the like. He smiled and after about fifteen minutes, the door opened and the three blonde kids, that he knew as well as his own children, stepped out. Rhett smiled and the four of them went off to get some ice cream from a nearby shop.

Christy sat down in the chair Rhett had been in. Tears flooded to her eyes and she bit her lip. "O-oh Link, I-I am so, so sorry for leaving, taking the kids away. A-and believing that was really you. I-I almost divorced you. You, the love of my life, the man I grow to love more and more everyday. I-I just didn't know what to do and I am so sorry!" Link heart shattered, but he smiled comfortingly. He reached out his hand and took his wife's trembling one. He spoke softly and calmly.

"Christy, you didn't know. And you didn't divorce me. James, my late brother, h-he was a monster. I didn't mind so much the things he did to me, what hurt me the most was that he hurt you, and our children, and Rhett too. The people I love the most, he hurt them too. And that killed me. You didn't hate me, you hated my brother. You may have thought it was me, that's what he was going for, but it wasn't. I'm right here. And I forgive you, but you don't need to apologize or let this bother you. I love you so very much more than you could ever imagine, Christy. You are the light of my life. I was thinking about you a lot, almost constantly. You and our family and Rhett. You guys saved me life. I held on for you.

"Because Christy, you mean the universe to me. I only grow more and more in love with you every second of everyday. You are my universe. And I love you just so, so much. Don't apologize, please don't. There's no reason to. You did nothing wrong, babygirl." Link sat up fully and wiped away the tears that fell from his wife's eyes with his thumb. He wrapped his arms around her tightly. He knew it was risky, but he took off his breathing mask and leaned forward. His lips met Christy's, a perfect match and the two kissed passionately and deeply. They broke the kiss and Link smiled. "Gosh, you're so beautiful, wonderful, amazing, and perfect. What did I ever do to deserve this perfect woman as my wife? I thank God everyday for you."

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