The Disguised Enemy

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Hello, dear human! Did you recognise me?
I'm your lovely friend or probably, your friendly enemy.

I am the little cigarette you became friends with, one eventful day;
You thought I'd be able to end all your worries and dismay.

But the day you set me alight, was the one which changed it all;
Instead of seeing an uphill, you started going towards a downfall.

I slowly became the thing you want to be with, all the time;
But what you didn't realise was that I began making your life sublime.

Every time you inhale me, misery takes a lethal step towards you;
With open arms you welcome it, with drops of self-control remaining few.

You crave for me all day long, and that is a known fact;
Not to let me go away, you've unknowingly signed a pact.

The smoke coming out of me swirls around, day and night;
But you actually can escape it, if you try with all your might.

Well I don't have any problem having your continued company;
But even if you mayn't have, I've seen the worries of your family.

Your kid's state of mind, seeing me in your bag, need I mention?
Not her favourite chocolates, but it's me who captures her attention.

When your wife smells my odour, her agonised cringe she doesn't hide;
But still O human, why is it me in whom you confide?

They know fairly well that every once in a while, you lie for my sake;
But they're tired of reminding you that you're putting your life on stake.

When you're not with me, they genuinely enjoy your company;
Without a fear of the future, there is no trace of any worry.

Don't you realise, I've only been created to destroy, my friend?
The lists of the woes I give, does not seem to have an end.

O human, it's my challenge to you, to take a step, confident and bold;
O human, I dare you to let go of my hold.

You can successfully do so, only if you value enough your life;
Leave me be, I'm a lifeless junk, go back to those for whom you strive.

Take it seriously, and stop leading your life so reckless and rash;
Or else, not just yours, but your dear ones' lives too, you'll crumble to ash.

My life's short, but you all are supposed to live for long;
Which is only possible when you keep your guard up, and refrain from all that's wrong.

O human, time is ticking by, go savour your life's every beauty;
That is all I had to say, yours sincerely: The Disguised Enemy!

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