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Speak till your opinions can still be voiced;
Use the words till their strength can still be rejoiced.
For tomorrow may or may not leave you with a choice;
But to powerlessly quieten up amongst all the noise.

Laugh till life still gives you reasons to do so;
Till you still have time, shimmer it all with a bright glow.
For tomorrow may leave you with nothing but sorrow;
Moments of happiness, from life you might need to borrow.

Enjoy till joy in this world is still alive;
Have fun till in the ocean of dismay you aren't forced to dive.
For tomorrow may not leave you with enough bliss to survive;
Once gone, this merriment may never at all revive.

Live well till life's still worth giving a shot;
Cherish every second, till in your hands, such moments you've got.
For tomorrow mayn't leave you with enough time to plot.
Just gather all that life can offer, and tie a perpetual knot.

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