Managing with you

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*Troyes P.O.V*

"Hello," I said to the lady at the reception desk. "I'm here for a boom tv meeting?" Anna and I had both been signed to boom tv.

"3rd floor room 5." She said bluntly. I grabbed Anna's hand as we walked into the elevator.

"Are you ok?" I whispered my lips inches away from her ear.

"I'm just worried I don't know what they will say."

"Oh," I kissed her softly. "does this help?" I said in between kisses. She nodded, I loved her lips they were always so soft and have a different flavour of lip gloss today was vanilla coke, my favourite. The elevator jolted to a stop, I pulled away and smiled at Anna as she walked out dragging me along with her.


"Hello Troye, Anna," a lady who I hadn't met said in a posh accent.

"Hey Georgia!" Anna! said with a smile.

"So we heard about your hospital busy and also what people have said," Anna grabs my hand and squeezes it tightly.

"People are saying you are pregnant because of this whole Troye and Anna thing."

"It's been like 1 day." I yelled being cut of by Georgia.

"and the fact you are doing this album together so you have been spending heaps of time together.' she shot back

"I'm 16!" Anna now joining in the converstion.

"Thats just fueling them!' Georgia says sounding very agitated.

"So what are we going to do." I hold Anna's hand tighter.

"We can either join them or fight them." Georgia responds as if its the most obvious thing ever.

"Your kidding?" Anna looks at me, "if I said I was pregnant my parents would kill me, also how would we get a baby then?"

"Easy, make one." This Georgia chick was getting on my nerves, I didn't want a child not now anyway .

"Nope not happening what else have we got?" I said forcefully.

"We - we could always say I lost it today," Anna said in a small voice, "that would get the paps off our back and my parents wouldn't kill me so badly."

"Ok so thats the plan both of you tweet it now." I gave Anna a unsure smile but she didn't look me in the eyes she just looked down.

"Hey guys just clearing it up @AnnaRoseyBear was pregnant but sadly lost it today so can you just give us some space, also I was the father." I showed Georgia she pushed tweet with her fake french maincured nails. I saw Anna do the same but kept her phone out for a little while longer probably sending a text to her parents telling them what was happening.


Yeah I don't know either I just typed


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