Say Something . (One Direction Fanfiction)

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Mia's POV

I look up to see a face that brings back so many memories . Zachs . I just stand still , whimpering .

"What's wrong ?" Zach asks as he comes over to hold me . I hesitate , push him away .

I don't say a word to him . He won't care. He won't make the pain go away .

"Talk to me ," he says . He patiently wait for me to respond . I turn my head .


Zach's POV

I can't believe it . It was working . If only Mia would talk to me .

I try to grab her hand , but she won't allow me to .

Im surprised she hasn't suspected I set it all up , the girl kissing Niall . She's pretty smart you know .

I start to grow impatient . If she doesn't talk fast , little lover boy might find us .


Niall's POV

I ran out of the store faster then I had ever ran in my life . I constantly ask by standers ' have you seen a girl run by here ? About this tall with brown hair?'

Enough people had seen her that I had an idea of where she could be .

I look down every street and ally until I find the one she's in . I see Zach next to her . He must have set it up . I mean random people don't just make out with you out of nowhere.

I see her pushing him away . Wiping her tears every few seconds . "Get away from her ," I say with force . They both look up . Mia starts crying even more at the sight of me . Zach looks ready to kill .

I start walking down the long narrow ally . I can smell all the garbage and cigarettes that have been recently thrown down .

I ignore all the graffiti on the walls as I walk towards Zach , clenching my fist .

He gets ready to swing . I duck as fast as I can , then fight back . I wasn't going to lose . Not this time .

Zach throws at punch right at my eye . I don't even think about it . I feel a hard fist meet my eyelid . I fall to the cold ground at cover my eye .

I feel sharp pains as tears start to form . I hear foot steps . "Look what you did Zach ! " Mia shouts . I hear a loud noise , sounding like a smack . I hear Zach's body fall the the ground followed by a loud 'ow' .

Mia runs over and quietly asks ," Niall . Are u alright ? "

I slightly shake my head yes and say ," I am now ."

"What happened in there ? I know that couldn't have been all you ." Mia asks trying not to cry .

" This random girl , came and sat on my lap . Trying to 'win me over' I guess . I tried my hardest to get her away . Then the grabbed my face and made out with me . And let me tell you she had horrible breath . " I explain to her .

Mia chuckles . I try to open my bad eye but it's swollen shut . I hear the sounds of rain drops hitting the ground . " come on , get up Niall . It's beginning to rain . " Mia informs me .

She helps me up and guides me on any left turns to the car , since I can't see out of my left eye .

Once we get to the car , Mia drives us home . The boys asks a thousand questions relating with my eye .

Zayn tells me it's probably going to be black by the morning . Oh great .


Mia's POV

I'm so glad we got home safe . Since I've never driven in London before , I was kinda rusty .

After Niall and I answer all the boys questions , we all eat dinner .

At the table I sat next to Niall and Louis , and across from Harry .

Every time I would glance around the table , Harry would be looking right at me .

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