1.0 - Mckayla Mckinney

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Hey what's up? Mckayla Mckinney, proffesional mentalist, mind controller and over all magician. I am the niece of the famous Merritt Mckinney who is 1/4 of the  horsemen as of last year. I was the daughter of Chase Mckinney, who is a traitor to our family but he is in the past..He's not dead though! Anyways I'm also a infamous magician/mentalist (it runs in the family) in New York City. I'm known as Magique sur la nuit. In my performances I do mostly magic tricks (obviously), some mentalism and I soon adopted the talent of mind control. It's pretty cool but very few master it, which I'm the few. The reason why I'm called that is because I usually perform in the night at Central Park.

I currently live with my dearest uncle Mckey in New York but he's rarely here to have some uncle/niece time becauze he's been practicing for another show. But well, I'm a mature adult so I don't mind the isolation. You're probably wondering about my past, about my "father" and if you're not I'll tell you anyways.

When I was about 7 or 8, I was visiting my father and I over heard him talking to another tall dude.

"So all I gotta do is pretend I'm your bodyguard and you're going to pretend to be Merritt?" the other dude said. We'll call him...Tim!

So my father said to Tim," Yes you bastard! Then I go onto the stage before Merritt does and steal his show! I finally get the god damn spotlight once and for all".

I was never really close with him because I'm always with my mom, so my father never contacted us and the only time my parents were on the phone together was if he could babysit me for that day.

He didn't know I was listening so me, being the honest goodie-two-shoes I am, I grabbed the home phone and ran straight to the bedroom. But it was too late for me to call uncle Mckey. My father yelled that we had to go to Merritt's show and "cheer him on".

So I was left backstage while I saw my father steal the show. Half way through the performance, Merritt came through the back door looking pissed.I told him the conversation I heard with Tim and my father.

Saying that Merritt being infuriated by this, is an understatement. Although he knew better than to walk on stage and tackle him. He also knew that I didn't have anything to do with this so after the show I went with Merritt. But what pissed me off the most was that my father didn't even care!! Let alone notice that I was gone. I heard on the news he went to a club straight after the show.

So Merritt tried to get him arrested by the police the next day but he didn't have any evidence but a witness, that being me. Since I was a little kid at the time the police didn't care. So Merritt demanded to his former "womb-mate" like an angry ex wife I should say, that Merritt should take full custody of me.

That was the day I swore to my life that Chase Mckinney isn't my father anymore. Chase didn't really complain at all, just did little to none defensive statements saying he was a good father. Good father my ass! So from then on I lived with uncle Mckey.

The day I found out that Merritt got a tarot card from the Eye was awesome. I was around 19 or 20.

When he left the apartment building uncle Mckey said he was doing only one gig at a retirement home and the rest of the day we would have uncle/niece time.

So after a couple hours of practicing throwing cards I heard old manly yells and hollars of Yahoo! Yipee! Fuck Yeah!

Obviously I knew it was Merritt so I said "What the hell happened?!".

"I got a card!" he yelled back.

"What's so awesome about getting a card? Wait is it..No way!" I always knew he is awesome at magic but did he really get in?

" Yes it is my dear niece. I got invited to the Eye!" he said.

The rest of the day we celebrated the magical moment by going into mini bars and clubs. Usually those nights consisted of me getting drinks and having fun while Merritt gets drunk and flirts with any woman possible or anything with boobs or...you know.

So I keep an eye on him mostly and apologize for his behaviour to the teens and other women that rejected him. Yes he has hit on teens accidentaly since he was drunk.

Ever since he got his tarot card from the Eye, he has been a bit more distant than usual. Of course I didn't mind because he was working with four other amazing magicians. Since I'm a very suppotive person I kept up with their shows and posts. I had the 3rd top fan account of the Four Horsemen. What's funny is that I have never met them yet but maybe sooner or later I will. Hopefully sooner.

After their last performance they went into hiding for around a year. Merritt stayed with me in New York so we could have that family time again.

Merritt has told me everything that has happened on their "year of living dangerously" including that they met the real benefactor of the Four Horsemen who is Dylan Rhodes. That name rung a bell in my mind but that's for another chapter.

So I knew they were going to go back to performing but I didn't fuss about it too much. During their hiatus Merritt said he's going to be spending time with Jack Wilder, the heart throb of the Four Horsemen, so they can work together on learning new tricks, maybe learning how to do each others' things, for their next show they literally know nothing about.

So Merritt had this pattern going on during that year, some days he stayed at our place and some he stayed with Jack. I'm just realizing now that I never thought of visiting Merritt while he stayed at Jack's so I can meet the guy. Since I'm 23 going on 24 he is like 1 or 2 years younger than me.

Well that's pretty much it from my past. If you were expecting those "dark pasts" that consist of family hatred then you are 100% absolutely...right. It's not the worst thing in the world but it's not great mind you.

First chapter is done. I've had this idea for awhile now ever since I watched Now You See Me 2 and read so many other Fanfics based on the movie. Personally I'm obsessed with Dave Franco's character Jack Wilder. Let me just say that the Franco Bros have amazing genes. Okay see you!
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-Poisonous Panda M.

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