1.7 - What's Wrong With Daniel?

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◇ Danny's Perspective ◇
~back at Walter's Living room~
Ever since I saw Mckayla, I couldn't focus on the plan that I was making in my head. I told the horsemen that I'll be making the plan while they focus on their stuff. But I just couldn't get Mckayla out of my mind.

When she was brought out, I had this strong feeling that we just had to help her, that I had to help her, even though that meant we had to steal Walter's chip.

She is just so beautiful, I don't even know how she's related to Chase or Merritt, she is just gorgeous, a fucking angel. Her hair is chocolate brown, flowing to her waist like a waterfall. Her voice is so elegant even though she wasn't in her best condition the day before. Just thinking about what had happened yesterday made me shudder. When I saw her in that condition, all beat up and bruised, I felt like I needed to help her, to save her.

I love how her lips are so plump and kissable, how her- " Wait..What the hell? Why am I thinking this?" I cursed to myself.

I didn't know I said that out loud until Mckayla spoke up," Danny, you alright?" "Yeah, uh, yeah I'm fine," I nodded to her and looked to the ground. She looked at me for a second, and turned back to do what she was doing.

When she wasn't paying attention to me, I looked back at her out of habit. What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I feeling this way? Mckayla was currently trying to teach Merritt how to throw cards, Jack was assisting her. I started to stare at them.

He better not like her or I'll- What the fucking hell is wrong with me?! I sighed heavily, leaning back and trying to put my focus on the deck of cards in my hands. But it was too hard, my eyes went back to Mckayla's direction.

Lula looked my way and smirked," ooh, looks like someone has a crush," she said skipping over.

My face heated but I quickly denied it, too quickly actually," What? No! On who?"

"Mckayla, silly! Oh my god! You got the hots for Mckayla! Merritt's gunna kill you!" Lula yelled.

"Shut the hell up! They'll hear you! And I don't like Mckayla that way," I glared at Lula.

"Sure, then explain why you were staring at her like a goddess the whole time," she smirked.

My face flushed once again," w-well I- uh, How about you liking Jack huh?" I tried to change the subject but I failed pathetically.

"I'm always obvious with my feelings, unlike you I try and get them to like me. I learned that it won't help to bottle up your feelings, especially love," she smiled. I looked at her, eyeing her movement as she walked away. Oh my god, I like Mckayla.

♤ Mckayla's Perspective ♤
I was just finishing up helping Merritt to throw cards," Wow. Merritt got a lot better in just a few hours. I couldn't even get him to throw it two feet away!" Jack laughed while walking up to me.

I was sitting down, then Jack sat down beside me on the couch, both of us watching Merritt practice his card throwing skills that we all needed to steal the chip.

Merritt finally knew how to throw cards decently, it isn't as good as ours yet, but it's still good. I looked back at Jack.

"Why thank you, Jack. But I think it's because he knows he needs to do it," I smiled at him.

"Hey, I think you have a stalker," Jack whispered to me, I looked where he was looking and I saw Danny staring, but when he caught my eye he looked away.

Instead he got up and clapped his hands," Okay, I think we should head to the Magic shop now," he said.

We all got up and headed to the doors to the elevator, with bodyguards surrounding us of course.

We got to the black vans and one of the front windows, from the van up front, rolled down," hey Mer-Bear, hey daughter dearest," Chase smiled cheekily.

Merritt and I simutaneously groaned at the nicnames, then I went up to one of the guards and requested to go into the van at the end so I won't have to deal with the devil. He just nodded and moved me towards the last van in place. I kind of felt bad for Merritt that had to be placed in the van up front but oh well.

I smiled faintly until I saw Danny walk towards me and the guard. "I guess we are seating buddies," I said sarcastically while smiling.

"Yeah I guess so," he sighed.

Does he not like me at all? I frowned for a bit until I saw Lula come towards us too.

"Yay!! Another girl! I didn't want to be the only female in a van full of men," Lula shouted excitedly.

I just laughed, the guard opened the door and held it open for us. Me, Lula and Danny looked at each other until Danny looked at us," ladies first," he said.

Lula smirked," go ahead Danny," he glared at her and looked at me,"wanna go first?"

I just shrugged and went in. Once I was settled inside the van I glanced at them seeing who would go next, but they were just bickering and I couldn't hear them since they were whispering. This if going to take awhile..

◇ Danny's Persprective ◇
"Go Danny! This is your chance to talk to her!" Lula stage whispered.

I glared at her," what-No! I'm not doing that. I don't need to talk to her. Just get in Lula!" I whispered back.

She just rolled her eyes and turned to whisper to the guard behind her. He nodded and walked towards me in an intimidating manner.

"Wha-what ae you doing? Hey! No don-don't you dare" I stuttered but it was too late.

He shoved me into the van and made me scoot over closer to Mckayla.

I groaned because of the impact," you alright?" Mckayla asked me, sounding genuinly worried.

I sat up properly and composed myself," uh, yeah, yeah I'm fine," I looked at her wih a faint smile.

Ugh, I sounded stupid. I looked over at Lula and glared while she happily sat beside me, purposely shoving me for her to squeeze in. This is going to be a long drive.

I'm so sorry for not updating everyone! I was just really busy with homework and school. I'm sorry for the crappy chapter but I promise the next one will be way better. Love you guys and don't forget to Vote, Comment and Share the story. You guys are awesome.

- Poisonous Panda M.

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