1.4 - Family My Ass

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♤ Mckayla's Perspective ♤

~two weeks before OCTA performance~

I woke up to a heavy door sliding open. My eyesight was blurry but all I saw was a blob of a man standing infront of me. Before I knew it I was picked up roughly and punched repeatedly in the stomach. I screamed and kicked but I couldn't get out of the person's grip. So after a few more punches they dropped me onto the ground groaning in pain. I heard the door close shut and a beep indicating that it was locked. What the fuck just happened?

That was the most strangest and worst wake up call I've ever got. So when my stomach was a little better, I sat up again, my full sight in use and I scanned the room. All the walls were made of concrete and there was only one window, but it had bars so I couldn't get out. I tried to stand up but my stomach started throbbing again. I groaned in pain for a few minutes until I gave up. I was lying in the middle of the room so I tried my hardest to crawl to the nearest wall. The room was small so it wasn't that long of a distance.

After an hour or so of just feeling pain and boredom the door beeped to say that it's unlocked again. In the doorway stood the man that was in my apartment building that night. "Did you enjoy your beating? This will be your daily life until you tell me what I want to know. If you don't you will keep getting abused until you tell me or die," he crouched down and threatened in his british accent." Who are you and what do you want?" I asked weakly. "Oh where are my manners, I'm Walter Tressler. And what I want is the location of the four horsemen. Since you are the niece of Merritt Mckinney, who is one of the horsemen, you must know where they are and if you lie to me I will not hesitate to kill you," his tone was sweet but it was nothing but kind. How the hell should I know. Merritt never told me what the address was because of precautions like this. "I don't know," I stated the truth but his face showed that he didn't believe me.

"Beat her, everyday for an hour until my trackers find the location but keep her alive. I have another idea how to use her," Walter said to the two guards that were standing at the door. "What the fuck? I'm telling you the truth! I don't fucking know where they are!" I yelled at him, but he just walked away and the guars stepped forward with smirks on their faces. "Fucking hell," I whispered to myself. I just let it happen since I couldn't do anything about it. Merritt please come soon.

~time skip to 1 week before the OCTA performance~

I was dropped yet again, me coughing up blood and the door slamming shut. I've been staying here for about a week and I've been starved and beaten everyday. My day consists of me being picked up and brought to Walter's office, him asking me the location of the horsemen and me saying that I didn't know. Then he would yell at the guards to abuse me for an hour or so. Yeah, so it's been a rough week.

My clothes were all dirty and stained with blood. The door beeped, that being my alarm clock telling me it's beating time, I groaned and just waited for the beating to happen. But what I saw was a man I never wanted to see again, standing right next to my captor. "Mckayla! I've brought someone for you!" Walter sang in a sing-song voice. I cringed internally and said angerly," Chase Mckinney." "You are correct my darling and do you know why I brought him here?" Walter asked me like I was a little kid. "No but I bet he doesn't care about it," I said back. "Well, Chase here is going to help me get information out of you, since beating you is clearly not working," Walter said to me and then whispered something to Chase. Walter walked out and shut the door but the beep didn't happen, so Chase can get out whenever he wanted while I was cuffed up and chained. "What do you want Chase?" I said evilly. He had the nerve to laugh and say," well that's one way to greet your father." "You are not my father and never will be," I glared at the man set before me," so what do you want?" "I was dragged here too you know so don't feel like you're the only one to be pitied upon. You and Merritt are the reason why Walter brought me here. But at least I'm getting paid to do this so that's beneficial," he said with a hard expression. "For God's sake what the fuck do you want?!" I yelled at him, getting annoyed by his antics. "I never raised you to yell at your own father-" I cut him off angerly," you never raised me at all! I was raised by mom while you were hooking up with other women!" That got him angry and annoyed," tell me where the horsemen are Mckayla! Or I'll disown you as a daughter and have Walter kill you!" He threatened while glaring, I bet he doesn't even remember that Merritt gained full custody of me. "You've already disowned me you son of a bitch! You signed those damn papers the day after you stole Merritt's show. If I didn't go with Merritt that night you would've left me! Your a fucking bastard Chase! I fucking hate you!" I screamed at him with all the bottled up emotions I had.

"And to answer Walter's question, if you believe me or not, I don't fucking know. Merritt never told me where he went. All he said was that he went with Jack." I glared at him while he walked away with a calm expression. When the door locked itself I screamed with every last bit of energy I had left until I started to cry. That night was the second time I cried myself to sleep.

Um, so that happened.
Hey that's three chapters in one day! I'm proud of myself. Anyways Comment/Vote/Share. Love you pandas!

                                              -Poisonous Panda M.


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