1.8 - Let's Get a Drinkypoo

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♤ Mckayla's Perspective ♤
       ~skip car ride~
The car skid to a stop, indicating that we are here

. "Ugh finally! I can't stand being beside Danny any longer!" Lula practically shouted and jumped out of the car.

"The feeling's mutual," Danny muttered to himseld while I snickered.

Danny looked back at me and I just gave a small smile. He nodded and got up to leave the van, me following his actions.

Once we - the horsemen and Chase - were out of the vans, we walked into the store; the fancy words on top saying, Magic Shop. All of us walked around, scanning what was sold in the shop.

I saw some cool little statues that have tags that say what they represent; they also say that they're 20 dollars each so I was like 'nope'.

I walked to the very last aisle on the right, looking at the tarot cards. I saw a pair of those chinese finger things; I guess Lula saw it too because we both grabbed one.

"Wow I've always wondered about how these things are so popular and satisfying," Lula said examining it like it was a scientific specimen.

"Yeah, how do you use these?" I said while trying to put them in my fingers.

I regretted this choice because my fingers got stuck and I couldn't get them out.

"Uh, Lula? Kinda need help," I said trying to escape the chinese trap.

"Too late," Lula said. I looked up to see her with her fingers in the toy too.

"Damn it." We said in unision. We looked at each other, and bursted into laughter.

"Oh my God we are so stupid!" Lula said, the laughter dying down.

"So how are we supposed to get out of this trap?" I asked her.

She smirked, I looked at her with confusion, and yelled," Boys!" I just nodded and chuckled.

But only Jack and Merritt came, making my heart fall slightly. Why the hell am I feeling this? Am I on my period?

Jack noticed my slightly saddened mood and smirked," Danny couldn't help. He's busy trying to get the stuff."

" Why would I care about what Danny's doing?"

"Because he's the one getting the things we need." Merritt said, eyeing me suspiciously.

I turned pink. "You okay pumpkin?" He asked me.

I saw Jack and Lula snickering quietly, seeing my distress in this situation. I just rolled my eyes at them and smiled at Merritt. "Yup, everything's all good."

"Okay, just checking. Are you still injured in any way from Walter?" His eyes and tone softened.

"Not really, my stomach is getting better, I can walk properly so I'm good." I said and gave him a tight hug.

He hugged me back tightly, but still cautiously so I wouldn't get hurt.

"Aw!" Lula and Jack said. I just chuckled while Merritt started to get my fingers out.

"Ow!" I heard Lula say.

"Sorry! Sorry" Jack replied.

"Is it just me or is there something going on between them?" I whispered to Merritt after getting my fingers unstuck.

"I bet they'll be together in 2 weeks." Merritt said.

"Bet they'll be together once we are done this whole thing." I smirked at him.

"You are so on." Merritt grinned.

" Hey me and Chase are going to go for a drink, I'll meet you guys back at the apartment" Merritt said looking at me.

"Can I go?" I asked, wanting to have a drink too.

"I think this is more of an adult talk pumpkin," he said.

"I am an adult," I argued back.

"What I meant was that it's a guy conversation sweetheart," he said. I just pouted like a 5 year old and crossed my arms.

"Don't worry pumpkin, I'll buy you a bottle of Jack Daniel's." He patted my hair and walked away to Chase. Bastard. I just shook my head with a smile and walked to the counter where Danny was.

◇ Danny's Perspective ◇
     ~rewind to after car ride~
The car skidded to a stop. Thank God. I sighed a breath of relief, content that we are at our destination.

That was, until Lula shouted out loud, to ruin my short happy mood. I muttered under my breath, to which Mckayla snickered.

My heart skipped a beat hearing that wonderful laugh, even though it was small and short; it was still sweet.  Oh my God. What is with this feeling? I'm so not used to this.

I looked back at her to see her give me a small smile. Cute. I just nodded at her as I tried to calm down my nerves and  jumped out of the van.

She followed me as we walked inside the shop. I went straight for the front counter, just wanting to get the equipment a getting the hell out of here.

I saw a guy with earphones who was bobbing his head to music and an elderly woman, probably his grandmother. I pressed the bell multiple times to get the man's attention.

" Hey, uh hi. Hello?" I said trying to get either one's attention.

The elderly woman threw some sort of nuts to the man and scolded him in chinese. Or was it Japanese? Whatever they're the same thing.

The man finally noticed us and walked closer to the counter.

" Welcome to the Magic Shop? I'm Lee. Look at this!"

Holding one neon pink glowing thumb, he moved it around his face and head. Amateur.

"Uh, no thanks. What we need is-" Lee cut me off.

" Two for ten" he tried to bargain it for us.

Jack got annoyed and just bought the thumbs so I could talk. Thank God.

" Okay, so we need.." I said naming the items we'll need for the heist.

"Oh! And all of them in plastic." The elderly woman said something in chinese that made Lee ask us, or well me.

" She asked 'why plastic?'" I said my answer, but stopped halfway knowing she doesn't understand what I'm saying.

"Ok listen. If it's plastic, no alarm," I talked slowly and moved my hands to try and make her understand.

"If metal, Woo! Woo! Woo!" Trying to explain to an elder chinese woman is hard.

Then she said something to Lee, making him snicker.

He saw my confused face and said," she said just because you are saying it slowly, and making hand motions and noises, won't make her suddenly understand english."

Jack and Merritt snickered behind me, I shot them a glare behind my back and looked at Lee.

" Okay. We just need these ASAP or at the least, tomorrow morning okay?"

" No problem." Lee said and left the counter to speak to his grandmother.

Well that was...
Okay. So, uh, yeah um, I'm a bad person for not updating in...I don't know how long. But at least I got another chapter up am I right?
And about the part when Danny is saying Japanese and Chinese being the same.
Okay we got that out of the way, don't forget to
and if I get 10 votes and 3 comments I'll try to update faster. Love you.

- Poisonous Panda M.

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