1.3 - Card Throwing

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♧ Merritt's Perspective ♧

      "C'mon pick up. Pick up please," I repeated to myself over and over again on the phone. "Hi, this is Mckayla. Sorry I missed your-" I hung up frustratedly and sighed. What could she be doing? I checked the time on the analog clock on the wall. 4:23pm. Agh, she's peobably performing something, I'll call later.

I walked outside of the rundown warehouse to find Jack throwing cards yet again. "Yo, what's up Merritt? Want to do another lesson on card throwing?" Jack said cockily while throwing another card through an old car. "Hey at least I'm better at throwing cards than you are at hypnotising" I fired back. "Wanna bet?" he challenged, stopping his card throwing and stared at me with his devious smirk. "I would but I actually wanted to practice my card throwing, I think in a few more lessons I'll be better than you soon. I always am better that you anyways," I said jokingly with a smirk on my face

Me and Jack-a-boy were always doing mini fights and challenges. One time, two days before a show Jack started to throw cards at me while I was sleeping, so I gave him a bruise on his arm. Jack smirked once again and said, "Ok we'll see.." He continued to throw cards like boomerangs and I just watched his technique, focusing on his hands so I'd remember. "It's all in the wrist," he kept on throwing cards for demonstration. "Uh huh," I was just listening to him, but none of the information he gave me every lesson never stayed in my brain. "Let the momentum of the card do the work for you. This last one I call the Star," he threw a card from behind his back to his hand and threw the last card for it to go throw both windows and land on the top of the car's hood. "Not bad, now you wanna see a thing of beauty?" I asked him with a smirk. I was confident in my next throw because I knew everthing I needed to know to throw this card like Jack. "I do indeed," Jack said waiting for my ultimate throw. I lifted my card, aiming through the car window, "here you go and BINGO BANGO BONGO." I threw the card, letting the card do it's work, but it didn't even go three feet ahead from where we are standing. I still managed to look at Jack with a smile laced with anticipation to see what kind of comeback he'll say. He sighed humorously," that's good. No, no it's good to be positive just by making zero progress in a year." "Yup," I said agreeing. "But when it comes to hypnotism, the student has almost become the master," he said slyly. He thought he mastered hypnotism. Ha, we'll see who's the master of hypnotism. "Mhm, some confidence, great but-" I was cut off by a motorcycle, the driver being none other than J. Daniel Atlas himself, driving into the entrance of the Horsemen  hideout. Jack shot me a bet before Danny got to us," hey if I can hypnotise Danny before you can throw a card at him I get top bunk for a week" I smirked his way," you're on."

Danny got off the motorcycle and took of his helmet. He stalked towards us," hey guys." "Hey Danny what's up and look into your palm. What you will see is-" I knew he wasn't going to get Danny," everything. You can't hypnotise me. Don't turn into him," he looked at me while I gave a small innocent smile. He rolled his eyes and passed by us while we followed him into the warehouse. "I didn't know you guys still do party tricks while flooseys aren't around to impress," he said annoyed. What's crawled up his panties? "We haven't impressed any flooseys since, I don't know, 1969?" I joked while Jack cracked a smile.

"I saw a girl in my apartment. Somehow she knows about us, Jack not dying and Henley leaving," he opened the door to the main room. "That's her," Danny said frustratedly. Me and Jack looked towards the lower part of the room to find Dylan and a girl sitting on a table with unorganized papers on it. "Hey guys!" The mystery girl said. I can tell she is very energetic, Mckayla would like her. "Hi," Danny said back, trying to not sound stressed. "You've met Lula," Dylan said directing it to Danny. Danny sighed and nodded, "yes I have. What's she doing here?" "I'm the new horseman! The girl horseman! Woohoo! Yeah! Nothing? Jack? No response ok," Lula went back to leaning on the table.

I took this awkward silence to speak up," so Dylan, can you explain to us what is going on here?" I started walking down, Jack and Danny following behind me. "I've watched Lula for awhile now and I think she has a lot of potential and could be used to equal the dynamic duo while performing onstage," Dylan explained to us. "What? Wait Dylan you said after Henley left you'd think about me going back onstage," Jack said. "Yes and I've thought about it and I decided that I still need you to help me backstage." Dylan tried to make Jack understand," but I've been working backstage my whole life-" Jack was cut off by Lula, who was raising her hand." I think I can see what's happeneing here. You guys are this knit-tight family and I'm a new person-" I cut her off," I'm sorry but we are nothing like a family". She argued back," well my mom, she literally stabbed my dad in the neck so you guys are kind of like my family-", I tried to cut her off again," oh really?". "Yes very much so if you guys just give me a chance-" Now it was Dylan's turn to interupt," okay that's enough. Now you've all heard of OCTA and their play boy owner Owen Case. They are releasing this new chip and is giving it to it's highest bidder. We need to exploit him and his lies. You guys have been practicing for a year so let's get to work."

     Chapter 1.3 is up YAAAS!!!
I hope you guys are enjoying this story as much as I am writing it. See you later pandas!
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