1.9 - The Plan That Doesn't Go According To Plan (Part 1)

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♤ Mckayla's Perspective ♤
            Once we got back to Walter's complex we started to work on the plan right away. I heard dramatic planning music playing in the background. I made a weird face and looked around, soon to find Jack turning the volume dial louder and shrugged.
" What? It sets the scene," he smirked cheekily.
"Okay so the lab is made up of two distinct layers: the security perimeter and the clean room. The stick that we're looking for is in this core." Danny says to us while pointing at the digital blueprint of the lab.
All of us need to work on our cardistry to make this plan work. Right now all, well, most of us are sitting on chairs and facing Danny who is currently teaching us what to do to steal the stick.
"So we gotta get underneath the platform, extract the chip and replace it with a decoy." Danny handed a, what seems like a comb, to Jack.
He stared at the comb confused until Danny looked at Jack," so you'll be the one who takes the chip without anyone noticing."
I looked at Jack and gave him a smirk, to which he returned. We actually talked a bit before we went to the Magic Shop and we kind of found out that we both knew how to pickpocket and pick a lock. Danny saw this eye-interaction between me and Jack so he cleared his throat and sat on the chair beside the blueprints while eyeing us.
"Now we are about to get to the chip. One thing about the stick is that it is similar in weight and size with a playing card. That means we gotta brush up on our cardistry, Jack? Mckayla?" He said refering to us.
"What?" I said with a confused facade. Lula laughed, Merritt and Jack chuckled while Danny just groaned.
"I'm kidding guys. I'll help Merritt with his cardistry since he still needs some help." I smirked at Merritt while he playfully glared at me.
"So, how do we get into the lab? Through Hannis Pike. He is the son of a South African gangster." Danny said putting his photo on the table infront of us.
I raised my eyebrow," a South African gangster? How is he going to help us?" Danny smirked," He is RSVP with some of the members of the security detail so Merritt will hypnotize him into letting us in."
I nodded looking closer into the picture of Hannis Pike. To be honest he lools kind of gay to me.
Lula leaned in beside me and whispered," He looks gay."
I laughed softly," You've literally read my mind." She laughed too.
" Like seriously, look at his face. Insecure, anxious, and his sense of style is too fabulous to be straight." I was literally dying of laughter because of her. This was cut short when Danny shouted.
"Lula! Mckayla! Focus." He glared at the two of us while we just giggled. His eyes turned straight to me and I saw his eyes soften. I also saw something else in his eyes but he averted them quickly before I could guess what it was.
"As I was saying, Hannis also travels with a doctor, inverted I guess, and someone named Buffy."
"Oh, looks like he is seen with a new bimbo every week," Lula started to say in a sarcastic voice.
"Yeah, wonder who would be playing the bimbo?" I matched her tone and smiled sarcastically. Danny raised an eyebrow at us, trying to say we gotta decide.
"Okay. We gotta settle this like mature adults," I smirked at Lula. She got what I was thinking and smirked.
" Yes we should, okay best of two outta three wins!" She said excitedly.
We put out our fists and do a rock-paper-scissors match to determine who becomes the bimbo of the day. I won,  obviously since NO ONE beats me at rock-paper-scissors, so Lula had to be the bimbo. She just shrugged while Danny continued to explain the plan.
" Now Jack, for a moment the security guards will think you're Hannis so you lead them out and keep them busy." Jack nodded and we all despersed to carry out our card training. I started to keep on training with Merritt since he still had to know some other tricks for the plan.
"Okay, my dear uncle Mckey. Let's get to it." I smiled at my uncle while he walked over with a grin. This'll be fun.

♡ Lula's Perspective ♡ // ooh, new one //
   I stared at Jack while he showed me how to move the card inbetween my fingers. To be totally honest I wasn't really paying attention to what the man was saying. Gosh, this guy is just wow!
"So you hold the card between you palm like this, then you use your pinky finger and thumb to move it behind your hand. While you do this you put your-" Jack kept on talking while I looked at his facial features. Damn. This boy got a sharp jawline. Bet that thing will cut me if I tou- I stopped daydreaming when Jack said,
" Lula? You listening?"
I shook my head and said,
" Yeah, all ears Jack-A-Boy," I smiled cheekily while he just grinned.
" As I was saying you pull down your middle and ring finger down to give access for the card to go to the back of your hand." He did it very slowly so I could see how he did it. "Oh so like this?" I tried to move it with my pinky finger and my index finger, but I dropped it suddenly.
Jack chuckled and smirked at me," Don't worry. Practice makes perfext am I right?"
I smiled and said," Yeah, very true."

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