2.0 - The Plan That Doesn't Go According To Plan (Part 2)

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😶 Narrator's Perspective 😶
        As they walked through the glass doors the Four Horsemen and Mckayla saw a black cube in the middle of the white clean room. The British man started to explain what the stick was," Of course what sets us from the planet is the processer. As we playfully refer it to as the 'Magic Broomstick'." Mckayla faked curiosity and asked the man," the Broomstick?". "It has the power to clear all contents of any computing system in the world, and then magically sweep them into your bin," the british man said with a charming smile, looking at Mckayla. "Ah, broomstick. Funny!" Lula chuckled lightly. "Take a look. View as much as you'd like. Until Hannis will be taking bids on Monday," he nodded at us and walked off. "Thank yo-" Danny was caught of by a loud sneeze. We looked towards Merritt as he sneezed, as this was part of the plan. "Gee, I might be allergic to something in here," Merritt said in between sneezes. "What can you possibly be allergic to? This room is hermetically sealed-" He was cut off by Merritt sneezing, then pointed a finger at him. "That's it. I'm allergic to hermetic seals." Merritt says as he sneezes again. "Okay, move him away from the chamber. Get tissues and wipes for him please." The security listened to the u and moved him away from the rest of the horsemen. That gave Lula a chance to give Jack the fancy comb. He knew he had to work quickly and smoothly so he grabs the comb off of Lula's shoulder and turns, then sweeping under the black cube chamber that holds the stick. Mckayla was with Merritt and two of the security guards, trying to make sure he was good. "Are you alright?" Mckayla asked, making sure she sounds concerned. "Yeah," he sniffed. They were faced away from where Lula and Danny were but from the corner of their eyes they saw Jack come back. Mckayla turned around to see the british man eyeing Jack suspiciously, while he was looking at the format of the chamber. All of the horsemen and Mckayla were all hoping that the british man didn't catch them. "Search them please," he announces to the security guards. "Woah, woah, woah..he-hey!" Mckayla swatted the guards' hands away from her, as they were going a little high for her liking. "Hey! Buddy, don't touch her like that!" Danny said to the guard that's holding Mckayla. She nodded at Danny, as some sort of thank you. "This is totally unnecessary," Jack says while taking off his blazer, then sending a sly smirk to Danny, to which he rolled his eyes. Now the plan has really started.

♡ Jack's Perspective ♡
     The guard starts to push me back towards the wall as I start to take off my blazer. Okay, I have the stick. Time to start the show. As he starts patting me down, I hide the card in my left palm, soon I fold the card with my fingers to move it to the back of my hand. The guard says something in Chinese, then turns me around. I quickly and slyly put my arms behind my head, and use my right hand to cover the stick. As the guard is checking my arms, I securely transfer the card to my right hand. Then I hide it at the back of my right hand. As he is checking my bottom half, I throw the card and catch it with my lips, sucking the air so that it doesn't move. Shit, this is tricky. Then I blow it down my right arm and hold it in the crook of my elbow. The guard starts going back up my body, checking the left side of it. Now's my chance to give the stick to Danny. I bump the card to my hand and quicky throw it to Danny that's on the left side of one of the poles.

◇ Danny's Perspective ◇
       While my guard was checking my sides, in the corner of my eye I saw the stick coming towards me. I catch it with my right hand and put it up my sleeve. Let's get this over with. The guard starts checking my right arm. I lick my lips nervously, I look up to see the british guy looking at Mckayla, then turns to me. I give him a hard look as the guard starts checking my upper torso. I used that as my chance to lift my right arm to slide the card down my body. As the guard checks my mid section, he is also mindlessly moving the stick for me right down to my waist. I breathe in so that my stomach stops the stick at my belt line. Then the guard starts patting doen my legs. I hold in my breath until the guard stands up right when Lula starts walking by. I let go of my breath, so that the card starts sliding down my trousers and hits the ground, at the same time Lula steps on the ground. Now the stick is with her. Please don't fuck it up guys.

☆ Lula's Perspective ☆
     Okay Lula. You got the stick. You know what to do. Ooh, a guard! I purposely fall as a chance to get the card. The guard catches me as I 'struggle' to stand up in 9-inch heels. Trust me, I know how to work with heels. This is, however, degrading my level to walk in high heels. When I stand, card in my hand, my guard yells something that tells me to put my hands up. I slide my hands behind my head so that the stick is at the back of my neck.


everyone, i have some bad news for y'all. im going to have to discontinue this book because of some reasons ill be sharing with you.

first off, id like to thank ALL of you for supporting this book, reading, and voting. i appreciate every read, vote and comment this book has got. and each one of them makes me feel so bad that i have to stop.

okay, so my number one reason for stopping this book is because i dont have anymore determimation or spark for me to continue the book. dont get me wrong, i still love the movies and the cast, but it just isnt enough for me to keep on writing.

secondly, im suffering from a HUGE case of writers block right know. i dont have any ideas that will make this book any interesting. its starting to turn into an exact replica of the movie, and i wasnt planning on the book to be like that at all.

and lastly, i feel like that it isnt the right time for me to become a writer/author just yet. and its not because of my age (im 14, going into grade 9...yay) its because of my organization, determination, and my power to do things, and complete it. i always procrastinate on this book, because i was always focused on my school work. i just think that its not my time to start writing because i dont have the time to create.

i have sooo many ideas for other books that i would love to write, but with the transition from grade 8 to grade 9, i dont think its the best choice to start another book, or continue with this book. mostly because im just going to put more stress upon myself.

i love you all for reading this book, im so happy that so many people have enjoyed it as it lasted.

with all the love,

PoisonousPandaM ❤


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2017 ⏰

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