1.6 - Freedom is Best Served With Blackmail

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♧ Merritt's Perspective ♧

Chase fucking Mckinney. "Now I believe the term you people say is, 'magic'?" Chase faced us with a grin. "Hey, that man looks exactly like you! He looks just like you do you see that?" Lula said with exageration. I just nodded my head, still confused by how we ended up in Macau and my brother looking straight at me with a bright smile.

"Guys do you remember the guy that screwed me over in the past? This is my twin brother Chase," I said introducing him to the others. " What? Wait, did you do this? If you did I-" Danny tried to get to him but literally everyone in the restaurant stood up and pointed guns to our heads, one person on each of us. "Oh, well, as you can see my boss is very serious about this job," Chase waved his hand, showing the people surrounding us.

"Isn't is cool how the greatest magicians did a magic show, but ended up being a prop for another magic trick? Isn't it poetic?" He looked so happy and amused right now but all of us were still confused by the fact that we don't know how we got here.

He stared at us thinking we'd respond to him," you know what I'm not going to let you guys yuck my yum. Mu yoo, mu shoo, whatever it is," he waved us off and the people holding us started pushing us outside to three black vans waiting outside. Where in the hell are we going?

♤ Mckayla's Perspective ♤

I woke up, suddenly confused by me sitting on a cushioned chair. I tried to remember what happened the night before. Wait..horsemen..location tomorrow..moved to a new room..oh yeah.  I remembered that Walter said he's kept track of the horsemen's location and right now they are going to be here. Wait, that means I'm getting out of here! Fuck yeah! A small smile made its way onto my lips, slowly turning into a grin. I probably look like a psycho right now.

I quickly wiped it off when I heard the door unlock and slide open. "Horsemen will be here in two hours," a bodyguard said to me. "That's it? You're not going to take me out or anything?" I asked the guy. I never encountered this guy before but I can already tell he's not as rough as the other bodyguards were.

"No. Mr. Walter wanted it to be more dramatic to bring you out if they don't agree to what he wants," the bodyguard said with a straight face. Damn these bodyguards have stones as faces. The man shut the door after that remark and has left me with just my thoughts. "Two more hours, Mckayla. Just wait two more hours and you'll be out." I quietly whispered to myself.

♧ Merritt's Perspective ♧
~ after car ride ~
The vans pulled up to the main casino in Macau. "Just follow the guards. They'll lead you to my boss," Chase said, while rolling down the window. He smiled at me," it was nice playing cat and mouse with you broski. Meow," he winked and rolled up the window. I used my middle fingers to clean my eyes so I'd be flipping him off at the same time. When the vans started to leave the bodyguards that was holding us shoved us to start following the other guards that were infront of us.

They led us to an elevator that took us to the top floor of the casino. "Hey, if the Eye is actually watching us right now? They are able to save us like.. At the last minute when we are about to die they come and save us we'll be like,' oh my god! Just in the knick of time! Thank you Eye!" Lula said childishly and continued," like have you ever thought about that?" No one answered so she tried to shake it off by saying," yeah, me neither."

When we got to the main floor we saw a man trying to throw a playing card between his hands. If Jack was beside me right now he would whisper to me," At least he's better that you" and laugh it off. But we were too pissed off to even smile.

The man tried to catch the card but didn't  and let it glide to another part of the room. He turned around, finally acknowledging our existence. "Ta da!" He smiled widely. "Don't just wait in there! Come in, come in!" Whne the guy said that the guards holding us pushed us out of the elevator into the room.

"Now I'm Walter-" he tried to introduce himself but Jack cut him off." Yeah, Walter, you died a year ago," Jack said in a bored tone." Yes! An idea I got from you, Jack. Now don't just stand there come sit!" Again, right after he said that the guards pushed us down on a couch. We all tried to squish in while the guards expanded throughout the room. Walter sat across from us on the opposite couch.

"Now you're probably wondering why you're all here. Well I need you to steal something that is rightfully mine. The money that you stole from that man, held a majority of my money so what you stole was mine. So basically you all owe me," Walter explained to us. "But you can pay me back easily by stealing the chip that Owen Case was trying to bid."

We all looked at each other, until I spoke up. "Now why would you think we'd do this for you?" I asked daringly while standing up. "Yeah, I'm not stealing anything for you unless Dylan says it's okay," Jack said standing beside me."I thought you'd might say that so I have someone that may change your mind," Walter smirked and snapped his fingers. Two guards pulled out someone I never thought I'd see here.

♤ Mckayla's Perspective ♤
   ~ two hours later ~
The door slid open yet again. Oh, guess my two hours are up then. The guard that showed up last time and another guard came in. "The horsemen are here. Get up." The other guard said rudely. "Don't gotta be so rude," I retorted.

I got up, still feeling dizzy and my body was hurting like hell. I was walking to the doorway when the rude ass bodyguard yelled," Hurry up!" I glared at him and the guard that was here two hours ago said," Dude, she was beat up for 2 weeks. Give her a break," the guard grunted and folded his arms like a 5 year old boy.

I gave the bodyguard that defended me a small smile thanking him, he just nodded and tilted his said to say 'we gotta hurry up'. So I tried harder to walk a bit faster, dealing with the constant pain in my body. The guards kept their hands on my arms as if I'd try running. Yeah like I'm in the right shape to do that.

When we got to the main floor I heard fingers snap, then the nice guard looked at me and mouthed 'sorry'. I was confused at first, until the guards chucked me forward and I fell to the floor. I tried to stand up but my body hurt way too much because of the impact.My body just started to shut down after that.

I moved my head to see the horsemen  and my uncle staring at me with their eyes and mouths wide open." Oh my god! Mckayla what in the hell happened to you?! Why the hell is their blood on your clothes?!" Merritt shouted and leaped at me trying to search my face. I just looked at him and gave him a slight smile. "Why do you look like this? What the-" Merritt said but I think he connected the pieces together.

He pushed me to the side softly so I was leaning on the couch. "You son of a bitch!" Merritt tried to grab Walter but he was held back by two guards. "I've held her for about two weeks to try and find your location but she was useless," Walter said with a smirk. I glared at him and looked at Merritt who was trying to get out and kill Walter," Merritt, I think you guys should do what he wants. I don't think you guys want to die. Plus, this is Macau the oldest magic shop is here," I said with a raspy voice and turned my head to look at the horsemen.

I saw Jack who was now sitting next to me, staring at me with eyes of sympathy; a new girl who was smiling at me sympathetically and the cute control freak known as Daniel Atlas. I just realized that the whole time he was staring at me. Once I caught his eye he coughed and spoke up. "We'll do it," Daniel said and stood up to shake Walter's hand.

"I'm glad to start working with you, thank you very much. Chase will bring you to the magic shop first thing tomorrow," Walter said with a big smile. I cringed at the name and Merritt seemed to notice. "Where is the bastard anyways? Wait, did he know you were here getting hurt?" He asked me.

I looked up at him from where I was sitting and nodded. He was still in the guards' grip but when I nodded he was struggling so hard right to get out, probably wanting to kill his own brother at the moment.This is going to be one hell of a ride.

Wooah! New chapter's up I hope you pandabears like it.
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Hope you guys are enjoing what I'm putting in here!

-Poisonois Panda M. 


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