Collecting 100 Hearts

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Marina decided it would be best to stay with the Heart pirates since she was new to this wold. She really did not have much do except train. Blaziken was enjoying the training room since it got to practice on the pirates. But when outside she could go swimming.

Strange through when the guys noticed that she was going to jump in the ocean, they thought she was going to drown. Shaking her head she called for Swampert. The bi-pedal cobalt blue Pokemon moved with a speed that was not common to its species.

As the broad Pokemon hit the water it dived as soon as Marina commanded it. Seated on its back they swam around the sub. The guys who saw her in her bathing suit as she was deep under water had nose bleeds and yelled for every one to come down.

With some of her other water pokemon out like garadose,seadra,Milotic and Gorebyss. They continued the graceful under water ballet and even more guys came to observe even Law who observed the mostly serpent-like pokemon ballet.

Stiffening Swampert motioned that something was wrong. Returning all the other Pokemon back she urged her loyal Pokemon to the surface and to  jump on the deck of the sub. Once on the creature began to show signs that their was going to be a very bad storm. Returning back Marina quickly yelled,' Theirs going to be a storm !' Once she explained to Law one of her Swampert's ability he ordered for the sub to dive.

Once safe Law asked more about her Swampert. 'He is very strong,fast and very smart. I mainly use him when I need transportation when water is involved.' Marina explained a few things about one of her favorite water Pokemon but she did get it when she was little.

Finished she brought out one of her fox Pokemon Fennekin, with the little fox in her arms Law commented,'You really like foxes.' Smiling Marina said,' Of course the family starter is a vulpix but I found my Ninetails when I was very young so its my unplanned starter.'

Raising a eyebrow she explained,' I am a descendent of a ancient and powerful Ninetails so its  a norm to get the pre evolved form when we are you and learning, it helps us grow and learn.' Stroking her flamed eared fox Marina left to go to her room.

Next day

Something was up Law had the guys fight this pirate crew and they were not allowed to kill. Prisoners it seemed. Using her inherited power she made the enemy pirates fly through the air knocking out their comrades who were going to hurt hers.

Once finished she left for her room to sleep, she had been feeling tired and sluggish. Once Law collected the prisoner's hearts they were put back to their cell. Just hearing the terrified screams made Marina glad she was not on the mans bad side.

As Law he gave the marines the 100 hearts making him a Shibuchi. Shachi had explained that it made them untouchable from marines and bounty hunters. 'That makes Law sound like a government dog,' Marina said with a disgusted face.

She did not like them at all but LAW explained the benefits like being unquestioned and going places most pirates could not go. Nodding in agreement Marina said that she was going to go swim again.

It did get boring but Marina always enjoyed swimming with her Swampert. Deep underwater even in pitch black her Pokemon could see. Being a great swimmer helped Marina get to places and even was prepared for a long and deep dive.

She was so deep the sub was a speck of yellow. They were back to that slave island so Marina saw the tree's roots as they were huge ! swimming between them Swampert let out a happy 'Swampert !' it was happy to be back deep in the water.

Law had talked about a underwater island filled with merpeople. Marina wanted to swim their and was planning on telling Law since their was no way that the two would miss a swim like that. When Marina noticed the sub moving slightly she  motioned for the Pokemon to go above.

 Once they reached the surface Law's face appeared. Explaining her plan which Law said,'No.' Pouting she replied,'See you at Fishmen island !' and with that they dived. Deep in the ocean she saw her crew members watching her. Waving she urged the Pokemon to increase speed.

She was fine since she had her goggles and a item that helped her breath while under water so no drowning. As soon as they were deep enough she spotted a  giant serpent like fish attempt to eat the sub. 'Swampert Mud Shot !' Marina commanded. Obeying a shots of mud hit the animal.

Screaming in agony it fled from more punishment and her wraith. Smirking they swam beside the sub to show they were fine. Suddenly they were pulled forward like a roller coaster ride. Not screaming unlike the guys beside her Marina let out a whoop of joy much like her Swamperts cry in enjoyment.

When they reached the island Marina let out a,'Lets do that again.' Gaining stares as a mereman directed them, they were inside so air. 'We do this a lot,' Marina explained.

Law he just smirked. It made sense if she traveled a lot. Once they were allowed to explore Marina had her  faithful companion follow her since being a human was dangerous but Swampert could keep her safe and she was not entirely human she would be more safe then them.

Wandering around in her fox human form Marina headed to a mermaid cafe that the guys had fantasied about. She had to admit it was beautiful, the stone pathway was like a pearl and the houses/buildings were giant shells and such.

Gaining some stares they soon reached a cafe. Ordering from a nervous mermaid for a cup of tea and some treacle tarts and strawberry and blue berry eclairs for the two of them. Enjoying the food Marina looked around in interest.

Having showered and changed in some fresh clothes Marina remembered Law had given her money to shop. Once finished she looked for some places when she noticed a familiar star fish wearing a hat. Walking up to it she said,' I know you you were at the auction.'  Looking at her the fish recognized her and invited her to get free clothes.

Smiling Marina did some serious shopping and all designer too. Tops of all kind from cotton to silk, pants, shoes, jewellery, under wear and even bikini tops. Once finished with taking more than half of the store they went back to the sub to put away everything.

Once finished Marina noticed the cow hat Brian, Law's assistant was left behind to guard the sub. Brian was nice and not a pervert like the two  clowns/head mechanics.

Earlier (Days)

She needed a shower. Spotting Penguin she went to him and asked where the showers were. Knowing what she was up to the guy blushed and showed her were the showers were and no one should be using them right now since they all should be eating. Once Penguin gave her a towel Marina smiled.

'I can guard the door for you.' Penguin offered with a blush. 'No thanks you perv !' shutting the door Marina noticed that their was even a huge bath tub. Smiling she filled it up with luke warm water and let out some water Pokemon so they could swim like. Seadra the seahorse Pokemon happily swam in the deep water along with Corsala the coral Pokemon and Marshtomp the pre-evolved form of Swampert who was enjoying the water.

Taking off her Amazon clothes and enjoying her warm shower Marina was in heaven but like all showers they would eventually stopped. Dressed in more Amazon clothing much like Hancock's the the deep v top  that made her chest be on full display with the slim belt that was slightly below her chest and the deep slit long skirt and jewlery.

Looking at the door she spotted two heads peeking out with massive nosebleeds. Throwing a bottle that hit them both Marina called back her Pokemon except Marshtomp who was beating them silly and she did as well showing how a woman's heels were dangerous.

Using her physcic powers she lifted them into the air to find Law who was in his clinic.' Law, here's your pervs.' flicking her hand she sent the man flying to Law's feet. Glaring at the two she walked off but Marshtomp decided one more tackle attack was needed and a slap.

Happy with its work the bi-pedal creature followed its master. Brian on the other hand was trying to stop the massive nose bleeds from the two. 'It was well worth it,' Shachi said with a blush.


hope you guys like it

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