Law's Plan Pirate Alliance

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When a explosion appeared Rin Teleported them to it. In front of them were two giants that Law quickly stopped. With the harsh wind playing with her fur Rin could see the three straw hats which was Luffy, the cyborg and huge monster chopper.

As Law talked about how pirates survive you either swear your allegiance to a Yonkou or you do battle with them and you don't seem to be the subordinate himself to another pirate.' Luffy then pointed out he was captain. And with that law said,'I have a plan to take down one of the Yonkou.'

'AN ALLIANCE ! Luffy you can't we should do the opposite of what he does !' Tensing Rin leaned forward in a pouncing pose to attack. 'Rin no, I'm not saying that wed will be able to defeat a yonkou just like that but if we plan carefully  we might grasp the opportunity... what do you say straw hat ?'

'This Yonkou you re talking about....  who is it ?' 'I see all right then let do it.' Looking at Rin Law said,' Take us to the Straw Hats.' Still in pouncing position her tails moved higher as the tips and her eyes began to glow,'Nine !' and with that a glow surrounded them all and were now in front of the other Straw hats who were freaking out and bad mouthing Law.

Sick of it Rin unleashed some of her power that blew all but those who did not make her mad. Stepping forward to step on long nose she let out a growl and gave a close up of her teeth. 'Ah !' with her message delivered she left to go to Law's side.

'Rin did not rescue your captain and his brother for the purpose of bad mouthing me or irritating her.'' Law explained. 'When did that fox help us ?!' yelled long nose. Tired she changed into her semi-human form. 'I did so shut up before i curse you for 1,000 years.' The red head girl that must be the cook since they got swapped.

Seeing her Luffy said,'Youre the one that rescued  ace and me at Impel Down.'

Rin returned to her fox form. When Robin pointed out that Law might betray them and that led to Luffy to ask. 'No.' 'Nine,' raising a paw in agreement. The crew did not like it but Luffy pointed out they had been training for two years and they were by his side. The straw hats suddenly and abashedly agreed but Law just sweated. Stroking his arm with her tail that was her way of saying don't worry and it will be alright.

Putting them back in their right bodies Robin said to Franky,'That's lovely but never end up in chopper's body! ever again .' Chopper on the other hand was not happy since he was injured and now severely pissed.

All got their bodies save for Nami  and the cook who was not here. Flaring her tails while radiating a intese heat she chased the navigator away from Law. 'I did not know she could do that.'

But then the topic went to the kids and the giant serum experiment. The straw hats wanted to help the kids.'You mean you will stay here on your own ?' Then Luffy brought up the subject that Rin hoped he would not say. 'If you re going to be our ally then you better help too.' !? was both Law and Rin.

Long nose began to explain that Luffy saw the alliance as a friendship. In the end Law asked who was their doctor and he would take him to help the kids drug problem. To Rin's dismay the reindeer was tied to Law's head. 'Nine,' Rin uttered as she she went to Law until she caught sight of the straw hats laughing at her captain.

Flaring up she used Quick Attack and hit all while using Glare to intimidate them all. As she continued her onslaught of violence she noticed Chopper was tied to Law's sword. With that Law gave them warnings on Caeser.

The goal for the straw hats was to kidnap the master but not for money but to cause termoil. With that the three left to do their part.


hope you guys enjoy

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