Punk Hazard and Law's plan

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Law being Law was up to something because for one their was a slight change that she felt. Examining the hat she had bought for her captain it was similar with being fuzzy and leopard spots, even the same places were right.

It would suit her captain. Getting up to find her captain who was in his room because she had hears him. She was born with inhuman hearing, a fox thing she had got. Knocking Law replied,' Come in.' Finding her captain reading one of his many medical book Marina made sure Law could not see the hat.

Looking at her Law noticed she was hiding something. Wrapping a tail around his eyes she placed the hat on his lap. Feeling his long fingers on her tail made Marina slightly shiver and unwrap her tail. 'I hope you like it.' with that she left.

Law seemed to like the hat because he was now wearing it. Smirking slightly for her pride because she had grown to like the man. He had qualities that from her family, the easy  grace and power. He reminded her of a panther dark, mysterious, dangerous,predatory,grace and even his body was like one. No giant huge muscles that made her think of giant idiot men and such. No she liked his slim build, through he was still physically strong.

Besides that they were headed for a island called Punk Hazard. Law had told them to stay submerged and that they did but staying their for a period of time was making Marina or Rin like everyone called her. Even Law called her Rin not that she minded at home most called her Rin. She was named Marina after a powerful ancestor.

Tired of waiting she put on a furry coat and transformed into a sleek and graceful Ninetails. Concentrating she teleported in the building that Law was in.  It was a strange building and so were the people who had animal body parts. Sniffing the air she caught Law's scent.

Racing toward the source she soon was in front of a door that must be Law's room. Scratching the door,'Nine.' The door opened to reveal Law who seemed surprised. Nuzzling her head against him Law unconsciously scratched and stroked her head.

Once inside Law said,'Rin what are you doing here ?' Returning to human Rin said,'I got bored and the sub is cramped I'm used to constant travel.' Pouting she also thought and i missed you.

Tails still out that slightly sunk down only to perk up as Law patted her head. After all she was a fox and  they could be very vain and also liked to stay close to their loved ones and such. Law was a good example since Rin had bonded with the man.

'Law get rid of the marines shurororo,' a annoying voice yelled. Growling Rin had returned to her fox form and followed Law you muttered about the man being annoying. Swaying her tails in agreement Rin let out a,'Nine.'

The closer they got they could hear men talking,'This island is off limits you criminal and who ever is in their we will arrest you.' The foolish talk was irritating her, tails high up that made her look even larger.

Once they reached the door which opened because of her psychic power. Leaning against the door Law smirked,'What business do you have with my villa, White Hunter.' 'Nine !' Rin said in a scolding tone as she walked next to Law gracefully.

The weaklings were quickly freaking out  while pleading to leave with the double cigar man Smoker. Smirking at their fearful comments Rin felt so happy that Law might had felt it radiating off her silky coat. The pink woman that Rin instantly hated, maybe she saw the annoying person as a threat like how Hancock see's other women around Luffy.

Besides that in her hand was a tiny Den Den Mushi talking about a samurai and that it was cold. Ignoring the talk untill Smoker said,'Don't make this difficult Law. Let me see whats inside the lab.' 'Its not a lab anymore Its my villa. And i refuse.' Law pointed out.

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