Fan fic Law and the Fox

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if the chapter says fan fic then its a special extra, hope you all like. might be updated and so on. comment and rate please my loyal readers. warning this is pervy


Law pov

Once they reached the bubbly Island Law had wandered to the Human Auction for entertainment. After watching this for too long Shachi is old friend and subordinate said,' Law can we leave, this all is wrong.'  Just then the Disco man yelled out,'And now for our last and very special Rin !'

The clown guards brought out a large cage and the creature inside looked dwarfed by it even through its many golden white tails were flared out. Rin was snapping at the men who wheeled her cage around. Hearing a man howl Law knew the creature meant business.

Pacing around Rin uttered,'Nine nine ni tales !' Hearing this Bepo gasped. Looking at the bi-pedal polar bear Law asked,'What is she saying Bepo ?' Being a animal himself the bear could translate for him. 'She says she's going to curse them all for 1,000 years and probably more.

'As you can all see this fox makes a excellent pet but she also can thanks to her suburb bloodline can do this.' Clicking a button the red eyed fox grew larger until the tails  all most brushed the bars. Grinning Law grew interested as Disco went to bidding mode. Waiting until most of the bidders were weeded out Law yelled,' 300,000,000 beli.'

Once the auction was finished Law went to the back to collect his new perchases. Rin had a collar and leash added. Signaling for the fox to walk Law headed to the sub. It would not be a surprises to have another animal since Bepo could help. 'Nine.' Looking at the fox with all tails spread the creature easily attracted attention with its exotic golden beauty.

'Really ?' Bepo had asked,'Female bears.' Law understood what was going on Bepo had a habit of thinking about female bears while the rest of his crew would yell at him just like now. Saddened the bear sulked  until a tail appeared to pat his head.

Calm again the bear thanked the fox. Now you would not think to hear that. When they reached the sub Law headed for his room to examine his fox. The rest of the crew did stare at Rin but Penguin and Shachi explained. Once inside Rin reached Law's bed and curled up to sleep.

Watching the sleeping fox Law began to stroke the silky hair before falling asleep as well.

Rin did not mind the crew or Law because she followed him around without the need of a collar and leash. The fox even sat at his left while Bepo his right when they ate. The only problem was that if Bepo tried to pull rank on her the fox would send the bear running while yelling he did not want to be eaten or cursed.

Rin had by using Bepo as a translator told him that she could easily curse someone for 1,000 years through normally that person would step or pull her species many tails because they were well known for being vengeful.

Hearing this had made the rest of the crew avoid any possibility of getting cursed because the last time they had made her angry she had used one of her many powers to make Law's book hit them repeatable, they abused his books. Rin who could read did read his books while protecting them from his crews abuse.

Heading off to go to a pharmaceutical, medicine. Law had bought so much we was about to ask Bepo to carry some but they were soon levitating in the air. Rin was using her power, Law had noticed that when she used physic, she called it Rin's eyes would glow.

'Nine !' 'She say's she can help.' Bepo translated as he watched the moving packages following Rin as she walked back to the Sub with the two behind her. Smirking Law followed Rin to the sub.

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