Party at Punk Hazard

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For the first time she had ever seen a pirate and marine party. Some of the Straw Hats, Luffy and the dumb marins stuck chopsticks up their noses. Sake and other sorts of achohol were distributed for all except the children. Law had tried to get some serious talk with Luffy saying they should leave but it did not work.

In her opinion Law's expression was worried regret. Some of the marines made Ceaser spill the beans about the gas, Smiley. You just have to break the hardened substance, she thought at the idiots but maybe they were not present or had bad hearing when the living skeleton screamed about being a murderer.

Oh well the Clown deserved a lot of punishment. Law seemed to regain his calm and collectedness as he talked while enjoying his soup. As he finished his soup Law said,'I wonder if I'll  really be able to manage StrawHat-Ya's crew.' Smiling she got up and followed her captain. He was looking at that weirdo. 'Don't worry captain, you will be able to manage them.'

Cocking her head slightly she remarked,'He's coming, the faster we leave the better because he will kill anyone here and Smoker is going to get the most of it.' Law was not surprised by her remark, he had learned to trust her instincts. Rin just more sensitive to these things which made it hard for her enemies.

When the party was over the marines where back to their norm. They even had a line that divided both pirates and themselves. After she heard that pirates were a shame to humanity then did she use her power to send them flying in the water. 'Shut up marine dogs, you are just puppets of the corrupt.'

The children said goodbye and thats when she let Blaziken out to kick their butts. They were pointing guns at the children and calling them bad kids. 'Shame on you, you thugs ! being mean to little kids, it you who are bad !' she yelled at their wounded bodies.

It turns out they did all this because they, the marine thugs did not want the children to like pirates. Giving them all smacks she yelled,'Do us all a favor and shut it !' As the children said goodbye they yelled that they were going to be pirates. 'I'll be looking for you guys in the paper so get strong okay !' Rin shouted.

She found it sweet that the children loved them. Law even smiled as well. Law he ended up cutting the two's bodies and putting them on the tankers life raft. Once on Sunny Rin climed in the tangerine tree in her ninetales form and napped their while Law had a business talk with Doflamingo/Joker.

Not worried at all she snoozed while Law did negotiations, she had heard the threats and Doflamingo taking his Warlord title back and being a normal pirate again. That man is not normal at all, she thought sleepily.


well hope you guys like it

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