You're Late Fan Fic part 2

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sorry i have not updated lately i had to go to a auction to sell my satin lion head Hairbear, i kind of miss her even through she starts trouble, i hope you guys are animal lovers, remember you can find good pets at shelters so adopt and save a life. please comment what you think and if you have saved a life, thank you


Once again Rin woke up curled next to Law. Nuzzling closer Rin watched Law, he had a cute and innocent face that was still pretty hot/sexy. It was worth it waking up early to see his face, especially since he did not normally sleep and would spend his night normally reading.

He sometimes still did that. Grinning she thought of the one time Penguin had sneaked into the room and took pictures of Law asleep, Penguin even had his own group pic with a sleeping Law and then a awake Law and then a dangerous Law who beat him bloody.

Penguin had said it was worth it and she still had the few surviving pictures hidden because Law had destroyed their brethren. Just remembering them made her smile. She loved Law, he says she is gave him intelligent conversations that were sadly rare. She loved it when he praised her, it made her warm and gave her a pleasant tingle in her body.

Moving slightly Law signalled that he was waking. Pouting at the loss Rin watched Law open his eyes and give her a cocky smile smirk. 'Whats wrong Rin-ya ?' He knew what why. 'Your awake, I like watching you sleep,' she stated still in her pouting mode.

Chuckling Law leaned forward to give her a soft but brief kiss. Once over Law got out to dressed. Sighing she rolled out of bed to get dressed at well, grabbing Law's old hat Rin followed Law out of their room to have breakfast with the Straw Hats.

Remembering Sanji's cooking Rin skipped ahead of Law.

Once outside the two saw the rest of the Heart pirate crew eating their breakfast well they were forced to wait. Once the cook noticed he swooned and ran toward her,'Rin Swan !-' before he could say anything Law scooped her away from the cook.

'Cook-ya stay away from Rin-ya,' Law ordered. Ignoring their normal arguments Rin helped herself to breakfast. 'Why the hell does Rin swan like a little shit like you !' Rolling her eyes she said to Sanji,'Sanji please leave my boyfriend alone and by the way breakfast is great.'

Suddenly happy the cook changed his attitude and listened to her without a argument. Handing Law a safe plate that had his breakfast, Sanji would sometimes put things in Zoro's food that should not be eaten, how the man was alive was a mystery but she watched to make sure Law's food would not be tampered.

After breakfast Red haired Shank's ship appeared and it looked like he was ready to party since booze, blankets and huge umbrellas were set out by the captain's crew. Once everything was set out Shanks drank booze with Zoro while the rest partied.

Luffy and Chopper put chopsticks in their nose and danced around. Everyone ended up doing their own thing. The few who did not really party like wild animals and watched the rest were Law and herself, Robin as well, she was reading a book but still kept an eye one the party with total ease.

Law would smirk and sip his booze while I sat on his lap. Bepo was watching and eating food, booze did not mix well with the polar bear very well so he did not do crazy drinking like the two head mechanics/pervs/clowns.

It was much later when the Kid pirates and Drake pirates as well. 'Your late !' she scolded them. She really did not care, she did not like the Kid pirates, the only one she might tolerate would be Mass Killing Machine Killer. To her the whole crew were brainless freaks, the only ones who must be smart would be the first mate and their Doctor. Not that she had met the crude like crew.

And Drake well he and some were ex marine. Plus he was literally because of his devil fruit a dinosaur. T-Rex to be exact.

By the time they made it it was night and the party was going strong. Luffy through announced to all captains that Shanks would be his second in power.

That was all, he probably wanted to have a party. From her past experience Luffy loved parties and the extra food which meant food meaning meat. Sighing she leaned into Law comfortably. Her Luxray however curled up next to her. The thunder type lion-like pokemon was always loyal to her since she had had it long when it, (Luxray if female) was a little Shinx at level 4, she was quite gentle out of battle but when it came to fighting nothing mattered but following Rin's orders.

Rin herself was proud of her Luxray, she would even ignore a fake Attraction trap and fight. Smiling warmly she scratched the pokemon. Her pokemon were also enjoying themselves in various activities, some like her Sneasel would steal Luffy's food, party and the few that watched the party were like her Absol, Blaziken, Swampert, and a few others. Her flying type flew around, some like her Alteria watched and some watched for danger.

But they all were enjoying themselves.


well i hope you guys like this ch. comment

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