Anger Issues

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Warnings: cussing and I think that's it

The car ride was completely silent. Dean didn't turn on the radio, which was out of character for him. Slouching in your seat, you waited for him to yell at you. Dean pulled into the bunker's garage and slammed the door shut. You climbed out, carefully shut the door, and followed him inside.
He turned to face you and just stared at you with his arms crossed. "What did you think you were doing Y/N?" Dean practically seethed. "I...I don't know. The demon caught me off guard. I'm...I'm sorry Dean." You whispered. "Sorry?! You're sorry?! That's all you're gonna say right now Y/N? I can't fucking believe you!" He yelled. You ducked your head and whispered, "What else do you want me to say Dean?" He threw the nearest book in your direction and yelled again, "I want you to say why you screwed up again! What the hell is wrong with you? That's it! YOU'RE BENCHED!" That made you perk your head up as Sam stormed in. "That's enough!!" He hollered when he noticed the tears forming in your eyes. Dean finally looked at you and he immediately softened. "Y/N...Y/N I'm sorry." He apologized as he stepped towards you. You moved back into Sam. Shaking your head, you turned and ran to your room. You could hear Sam and Dean arguing but you tuned it out. Grabbing your headphones, you turned up the music until you couldn't hear anything.
Eventually, you fell asleep like that. Groaning and pausing your music, you sat up. You opened your door and a figure fell at your feet. Of course, it had to be Dean. Stepping over him, you moved towards the kitchen. However, you didn't get very far because a hand grabbed your wrist and turned you around. Dean. "Y/N, baby, I'm so sorry. I had no right to yell at you like that. Sweetheart, please forgive me." You thought it over and finally spoke, "Dean, what you said really hurt. Do you really think that I'm such a screw up?" You could feel the tears forming and Dean pulled you into him, rubbing your back. "No honey, I was just scared that you would get hurt. I overreacted. I'm so so sorry." He apologized again and again. You leaned up and kissed him, slow and sweet to shut him up. "You can make it up to me by getting me F/C (favorite candy), how about that?" Pulling you to the kitchen,"Anything for my sweetheart."

Hey! So first imagine done! Yay!! Rock on!

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