Ding Dong

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   You had just gotten home from a long day at school. It was getting close to your finals and fatigue was nothing new. Flopping down on your small bed, you thought of getting a couple hours of sleep or watching more Supernatural. Shrugging, you got up sluggishly and picked up your laptop. Firing up Netflix, you changed into your comfiest shorts and a huge tshirt you had stolen from your dad. Just as you were getting up to get food, the door bell rang. 

   You groaned and yelled, "I know Jesus and I'm broke so I can't buy anything!" Throwing open your door, you choked on air. "J-Jared?!" you squeaked. The tall giant was hunched over with furrowed eyebrows. "Ummm no. My name is Sam. Sam Winchester." You sputtered and shoved your hands into your hair. "This is crazy. You aren't real. You're just a fictional character." Jared-no Sam lightly chuckled. "I can say the same about you." You scoffed. "What the crap are you talking about weirdo?" He sighed deeply and covered his eyes. "This isn't how I wanted it go down. Look, you're my favorite character and I know how it ends. I'm here to fix that." You stepped back and closed the door. "Yeeeeah sure. You're insane you know. Bye now." Just as you had it closed, Sam ripped it back open. "Listen to me ___! I'm serious. I can not and will not let it end how it does." You were terrified at this point, ready to dash off and call the police. As you turned to do so, another voice yelled your way. "Jesus Sammy, you wanna scare this chick anymore?"

   You felt like you would faint right then and there. "This is getting ridiculous." You turned your frustrated eyes to the ceiling. "I'd like to wake up now!!" Sam and his brother shared a look. "___, just calm down okay?" Sam put his hand on your shoulder. Ripping your shoulder from his touch. "Do not touch me right now." you snapped. He looked pitiful as he slowly removed his hand. You ran a hand through your hair while you took deep breaths. "Sorry Sammy. This is just a lot to take in. I mean I've watched the show but no way I'm a hunter. No fudging way." Dean intervened. "I know how you feel. How about you come with us and we'll explain on the way back to the bunker where you're safe." I squinted my eyes. "Sam, what is he talking about? I'm perfectly safe...right?" He only rubbed the back of his neck. "Please ___, let us take you back. I can't stand you being this exposed." You were still suspicious but his puppy eyes were just too convincing. You sighed and nodded your head. You left the door open to let them in and went to grab some stuff. "Make yourselves comfy while I get my crap." They made no movement. You giggled and went to your bedroom. 

   You hummed Carry on My Wayward Son as you packed. Swaying around, you flipped your hair around, being goofy. "I've read parts about you like this so many times, wondering when I'd get to see it in person." Sam called out. You yelped and clutched your stuffed moose to your chest. "Sam! You scared the poop outta me!" He laughed and moved in to your room. "Sorry princess. I couldn't help it. I've been wanting to meet you for so long." You raised an eyebrow but didn't comment. You looked around, making sure you had packed your comfiest clothes, already planning to grab some of Sam's flannels. No way you were missing that opportunity. You nodded and grabbed your suitcase's handle. "Let's hit the road." 

   Sam and Dean filled you in on everything the Supernatural world had to offer on the way. You breathed out and processed. "Well, this is so not how I expected my day to go." you muttered. The boys laughed and Sam turned around when you yawned quite loudly. You blushed and mumbled sheepisly, "Sleep isn't a thing during finals." Sam gave you the eyes again. "You're at Princeton,right?" You nodded and sleepily mumbled though a yawn, "Top of my class at the moment. That will change after finals." Dean gave his baby brother a look that you missed while you got comfortable. "I don't mean to sound needy, but do you guys have a blanket or something?" Sam glanced around but could only find a flannel of his. "You can use my shirt if you want." He offered it out. You swiftly grabbed it. "Gimme. Fangirls dream come true." You said as you eyelids closed.


   Sam shook your shoulder once Dean parked the Impala. "We're here ___." You grunted and fluttered your eyes. You held up your arms like a child and Sam chuckled. "C'mere princess." He gently picked you up and carried you into the bunker's library. Placing you into a chair, he kissed your head and sat down himself. "So where do we go from here?" Sam moved his eyes to Dean's. They seemed to have a silent conversation while you waited. "We think it's best if you stay here...permanently." Sam explained. You bobbed your head while you though it over. "I'll stay, but I'm finishing my school online. I will not waste all the time I've invested." you crossed your arms while you talked. Sam smiled and nodded. He leaned over and kissed your hand. "You'll be safe with me. I hope you know that. I can't wait to get to know you princess." You blushed and giggled. "Ditto Sammy kinz." 

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