Legit Positive

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      You laid the fifth stick on the bathroom counter. The bright pink sign stared up at you, sending you into a sobbing mess on the floor. Bobby heard the commotion and knocked on the door,"Honey, ya a'right?" Sniffling, you tried to keep it together,"Yeah Bobby, I'm fine."Y/N I can hear ya cryin'. Let me in." He gently asked you in his tough love kinda way. You got up on shaky legs and slowly opened the creaking door. "H-hey there." You gave him a quivering smile. "Honey, what's the matter?" He questioned. You let him in and he noticed the sticks. Pulling you into a hug, he let you cry your heart out.
     "Bobby, what am I gonna do?" You asked through your sobs. He sighed and lovingly squeezed you. "Ya need to tell the idjit. The boy needs to know he's a father." Bobby said quietly. "You know how Dean is. He's not going to want to be a father and he's gonna leave. Oh god Bobby! He's gonna leave me!" This sent you into further panic mode. "Alright, alright. Honey, ya gotta calm yaself down, a'right. That boy loves ya too much ta leave ya and ya know it. Even if he does, then he's a bigger idjit than I thought. He don't deserve a kind-hearted soul like ya if he leaves." Hearing all this, you began to calm down. "Y/N, you're gonna be a great momma. That baby will adore ya. I know you're scared and that's okay, but you're not alone in this. Ya got me and ya got Dean." You softly smiled at his kind words.

    "Bobby, you're turning soft on me." You teased your father figure. "If ya tell anyone about this, I'm gonna deny the whole thing." He teased you right back. You hugged him one last time and said,"Thank you Bobby. I know this is soon but, will you be his godfather?" You looked up at him and Bobby had a few salty tears trickle down his scruffy face. "I would be honored to babygirl." You started tearing up again and one more hugging round ensured. Wrapped up with love, you knew you had the strength and courage to tell Dean.

You guys, I'm a sucker for Bobby being a big ole teddy bear! I hope y'all enjoyed it. Rock on!

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