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You stumbled along the side of the road, making up some random song as you want, giggling when the words that fell out of your mouth rhymed or sounded funny. You stopped once you heard your phone ringing. You pulled it out of your jacket pocket to see who it was. Smiling, you slid your finger across the smooth screen. "Deanny boy! How are you, my fine handsome friend?" Said man's chuckle flooded your ear at your enthusiasm. "Hey there ___. How much have your drank?" You scoffed and crossed your arms, not realizing he couldn't see you. "Excuse me sir, I am a princess. I do not drink. It's very unlady like." Dean tried to reign in his laughter. "Yeah sure your majesty. Where are you? I'm coming to get you. Knowing your wandering self, you're probably on the side of the road somewhere." You blushed and grinned to the sky at his teasing, but definitely enjoying the pet name. "I think I'm like two miles from the only bar in town." He mumbled about running off and then-click.

The purr of the Impala could be heard at least a mile away. You stopped skipping to turn to see her. You smiled at the sight and waved erratically. Dean pulled over to you and rolled down his window. "Hop in princess." You skipped around to the passenger seat and flopped in it. "Dean! My knight in shining armor.  Wait, you're wearing leather. Does it still count then? I mean was leather even a thing back then or did they just wear metal all the time? What if they wore it to bed?" You burst out laughing at the thought. Dean smiled at your happiness and moved to buckle you in, since you neglected to do so. You over dramatically gasped, putting a hand on your cheek. "At least buy me dinner first!" He secured the belt with a blush covering his cheeks. "Let's get you home and into bed m'lady."

You were giggling about something completely incomprehensible as Dean helped your through the door. "Deanny I'm telling you that tree was totally checking you out! Maybe you should give her your number. Oh crap. Would that be mean? Giving a tree a piece of paper. That's gotta be cannibalism!" Dean grabbed your flailing arms and hoisted you into his own. "I'll give her my number tomorrow after you've slept this off. To bed we go." You began squirming around. "No Dean! I gotta wait for my boyfriend to kiss me goodnight!" Dean stopped in his tracks, hurt  and confusion clouding his face. "And who is this elusive boyfriend you have?" You leaned up and your lips tickled his ear. "Dean." The mentioned reared his head to look you in the eyes. "___, that's me. But we aren't dating." You waved it off with your hand and replied. "Yeah we are. You asked me out when we were like six. Duh, boyfriend. I can't believe you don't remember. Do you not wanna date me? Why don't you wanna date me Deanny?" Tears began forming in your eyes at the thought. Quickly, Dean shook his head, rejecting the sentence. "No, princess! I wanna date you. We've been dating since we were six, haven't we?" A smile grew on your face. "YAY!!" you yelled. He chuckled at your drastic mood change.

Dean finally made it to your room when you started crying again. He rubbed your arm while asking, "Princess, what's wrong? We're dating, everything's fine." You smushed your hand against your eyes, wiping the tears. "I wanna sleep with you! My room's too scary. There's monsters in there and I can't protect myself. I need my knight Deanny!" He frowned at the thought of you alone and scared without him knowing. "Okay doll. You can sleep in my room all you want okay. Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to Dean's room we go." Quoting your favorite Disney movie as he lightly bounced you in his arms. You giggled and squealed at each bounce. Dean stopped at his door, turned to free his hand, then opened the door. Once it was open, he carefully flung you on his bed. You squealed as you sailed and landed with a thud. You sat up on your elbow and grinned. "Dean!" He only cheekily grinned your way. Throwing one of his old shirts to you, he walked out the door. You sluggishly changed, fatigue suddenly hitting you. Not even bothering with your hair, you pulled it out of the messy bun you threw it in that morning.

Dean knocked three times and you moved to let him in. As he stepped in, you noticed he was only in a pair of plaid pajama bottoms. His chest was very defined and you subtly checked to make sure you hadn't drooled. He seemed almost shy, which was completely out of character, when he caught you staring. "Let's get in you bed. You're about to fall over." You shuffled over to the bed and collapsed. Dean sat down much more gracefully than you did. You laid down and Dean pulled the covers to both of your shoulders.

You tried to get comfy but you couldn't stop tossing and turning. Sighing, you turned to look at Dean. His beautiful green eyes were closed and his breaths were even. You watched his toned chest rise, fall, rise, and fall. You inched closer to his warm body, hoping to get the goosebumps to leave. But they only multiplied when his arms snaked around your waist once you got close enough. "Dean?" you whispered, hoping he was still asleep. "Shh, I'm asleep." You smirked and you twirled a finger around a freckle on his cheek. "Then why are you talking?" You saw his lips trying to conceal a smile. "It's called talking in your sleep." You stifled a laugh behind your hand at that. "Goodnight Deanny my boyfriend." You spoke softly as you kissed the bottom of his jawline, which tightened at the feeling of your lips against his skin. Dean opened his bright eyes in the dark room to look in your own (e/c). He kissed your forehead softly while rubbing your back. "Goodnight princess." With that, your eyelids closed and the last thing you felt was Dean's arms pulling closer and closer to his chest.

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