Fair ~ Sister!Reader

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       Algebra 2 was going to the death of you. You were so close to not passing anymore and you were super frustrated. Sighing, you dropped your pencil and ran a hand through your hair. "This is so stupid. I don't need math to hunt." you muttered to yourself.
     "Hey ___! How's it going?" Your big brother Sammy asked you enthusiastically. You just looked up at him in irritation. He lost his smile and sat down,"Not good I guess." You sighed again and confided in Sam,"I can't do it Sammy. I don't understand it and it's pointless for me to try and ugh!" He threw a muscular arm around you in comfort,"I'm sure you're just fine bug." Sam pulled your notes and homework pages closer to him and began to look over them. "How about this? I'll help you and when Dean gets home, we'll go somewhere fun. How about that?" You smiled but doubted you could get done in time.

      You and Sam worked diligently for about 2 hours until Dean came home. The bunker door slammed shut and heavy footsteps could be heard. Dean walked through the door with bags in his hand. He held them up and explained, "Supply run. We were running low on necessities."  You smiled slightly as Dean walked over. "What's with the study session?" he chuckled. Sam stood up and motioned Dean to move away. "Hey, ___'s having a bit of a rough time with math and I figured we could go somewhere to relax." Dean smiled and agreed. They turned to you and smiled while Dean asked, "So where you wanna go sis?" You thought and then your face brightened.

      Dean pulled Baby into a gravel spot and parked. You jumped out and bounced on the balls of your feet. "C'mon guys! I actually get inside the fair before tomorrow!" you teasingly sighed. Dean held up the keys and smirked,"I can always take you back home." Over dramatically gasping, you fell to your knees and began to fake beg. "Oh please Dean! Please!" You then gave him Sam's bitch face and stood up. Sam was shaking with laughter and you could see Dean holding it in. Finally, he broke and he laughed very loud. You three started walking and somehow you ended up in the middle of a Winchester sandwich, but not like you cared.

      The fair was just like in the movies. There were families and couples strolling around, barkers trying to con naive people to play rigged games, the smell of grease was everywhere, while screaming and laughter could be heard. You smiled wide and looked up to your brothers to find they were already looking at you with loving eyes. "Can I get some popcorn and my face painted? Please please please pretty please???" The guys laughed and nodded. You raced off to the nearest popcorn stand and began shoving it in your face as soon it was placed in your hand. "I wuv popcorn gus. It'ths like da bast." you tried to tell them how good it was, but ended up sounding ridiculous with a mouth full of now your second all time favorite treat. Sam and Dean laughed until you thought they would cry. You rolled your eyes but couldn't help but giggle with them. Grabbing their hands, you pulled them to a face painting station.

     You loved all things Disney, it reminded you of  childhood you didn't have, but more of a reminiscing way instead of a sad one. So, you got Queen Elsa's crown painted on your forehead and Rapunzel's sun on your cheek. Sam and Dean thought it was pretty, but of course, they kept those "unmanly" thoughts to themselves. We walked around and the boys rode a few roller coasters while you laughed as Sam vowed to never ride one again. Dean tried to see how rigged the games were, but instead he won you a giant teddy bear. It was so cliche honestly, but you couldn't and didn't want to stop the smile from popping out. You leaned up and kissed Dean's face as a thank you. Then it just became a contest to see how could win the goofiest prizes. Once you had finished your popcorn and it had settled, you saw it .

        The big, amazing, ride it over and over swings.

      You gasped in amazement. You tugged on Dean and Sam's sleeves and looked up at them with hopeful eyes. "Can I please please please ride the swings??" Dean nodded and and held onto your prizes while you ran to stand in line. As you got closer, you realized just how high the swings really were. 

      Good thing I'm not scared of heights. 

     You were standing next to this super cute  country guy and he seemed really nervous. "Hey, are you okay?" you asked Cute Country Guy gently. He turned to look at you with better puppy eyes than Sam. "Uh no not really. I'm not good with heights." He seemed scared to death, honestly. "How about I ride next to you? That was you aren't really alone" Cute Country Guy relaxed and held out his hand "I'm Parker. Nice to meet you." you held out your hand to shake it and introduced yourself, "Name's ___. Nice to meet you too." He smiled and you smiled just as wide at his next sentence. "___, beautiful name." "You like that, you should hear my phone number." you smirked, trying to be cool. Please let that sound awesome!  He laughed and just shook his head. Finally, it was time to ride. 

      You picked out two seats right next to each other and sat down. "Just look at me okay? Don't look down, that just makes it worse alright." you tried to coach him through it before you both were in the air. He breathed deeply and nodded. Then you were flying and you couldn't contain your giggles of excitement. Parker looked over at you and laughed at your silliness. You pulled funny faces at him to try and relax him. He laughed again and made faces too. 

      The ride was over all too soon. Honestly, you didn't want to leave Parker, but you knew you had to. You turned to look at him, but he was already looking at you. You blushed and fumbled with your hair. Parker smiled and grabbed your hand, "So I thought I'd see how your phone number sounded my Queen." You were confused for a second until you remembered your face painting and you giggled. You held out your free and beckoned for his phone. He handed it to you and you typed in your number with the contact name Queen ___. "Well, I gotta go. My brothers are waiting for me. I hope that I get a new contact soon." you winked at Parker and then turned to walk away. "Will I ever see you again?" You turned back and smiled,"I'll be in Florida next week. My uncle has some dog problem he needs us to take care of." Parker's smile faltered for a split second. "Huh, that's where and why I'm going too." Yoour smile shrank a little but you put it up even bigger. "Small world. Maybe we can help you with your dog problem." He smile grew, "I'd love that." You waved and walked happily over to Sam and Dean.

   "Who was that ___?" Dean growled. You just smiled and shook your head, "Just Parker, a new friend. A friend who has dog problems in Florida." Sam realized what you meant, but Dean took a second. "Huh?" Then it hit him, "Oh. Oh! Well, maybe we could *cough* help him out." You smiled even wider as you all left to go home. Once you got in Baby, your phone vibrated. You pulled it out and you had a message from an unknown number. 

           Hey my Queen. :) 

        You giggled to yourself and thought Thank Chuck for ignoring Algebra 2, fairs, and cute country hunters.

Hello my butterflies! I hope ya'll liked this one as much as I loved writing it. I know it's super long but I might make it into another part. Would you guys read it? Feedback about it would be super helpful. If you understood the phone number reference, you are now my bestie. Anyway, thanks for continuing to read and I love ya'll. Rock on!


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