Snow Day

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      The sun was just barely peaking over the horizon as you waltzed through the kitchen, humming along with the radio. You tried to be as quiet as possible but when your favorite song came on, you had to crank it up. I really can't stay! Baby it's cold outside! You danced around, using different voices for the separate parts.
    You were too into singing and having fun to notice the boys in the doorway. Only when you turned around did you see them. "Ahhhhh!" You yelped. "Don't do that guys!" raising a finger, you chastised them. They laughed and shook their heads. Sam spoke up, "Sorry Y/N. We only wanted to tell you that it's snowed." You squealed in delight and raced to a window.
      Pure, white, amazingness covered the ground and sparkled in the early morning light. You bounced and giggled in excitement. Sprinting to your room to change, you threw on lots of layers and a beanie. You raced back to the boys and found they were ready to go as well. "Let's go!" You squealed yet again. Snow had never been a big part of your life, so when it did appear, you couldn't contain your happiness.
      The boys and yourself spent hours outside, having fun and relaxing. Snowmen and snow angels dominated the surrounding ground. You chucked a snowball at the back of Dean's head and so began the great snowball war. The fight lasted for about an hour until you all decided to go in.
       Settling down into the couch, you grabbed you mug of hot cocoa. You looked up and smiled at you favorite boys. "Thank you all so much. I've had the best time" They smiled shyly back and shuffled their feet. Mumbling the polite response, they sat down and settled down as well. Sam draped a blanket over you and whispered, "Baby it's cold outside." You still had a blush on your face as you fell asleep.

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