New Lens ~ Sister!reader

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          Trying to not to squint as you researched for your brothers, you knew it was useless. You sighed and called the local eye doctor. It got closer and closer to your appointment time and you SO did not want to go. But, you told yourself that you're a hunter and a Slytherin. You've faced countless monsters. How bad could a doctor visit be? That helped ease your nerves so you got ready and walked to the bunker's garage.

         You walked through the bunker's door and kept your head down. You crept through the halls and tried not to let your brothers hear you. Unfortunately, they did. "Hey sis! Where have you been?" Dean asked, sounding just a little panicked. "I...uh...I was out." You made sure that your hair covered your face as you spoke. "___ what's wrong? Are you hurt or something" Sammy sounded super worried. Dean walked closer to you and tried to see your eyes. You refused to let him. That didn't work out too well as he got you to look up pretty quickly. Squeaking, you covered your face. "Aw sis. That's all you were worried about? I love your glasses!" Sam and Dean smiled. "Glad you boys do. I hate them! I already have braces and now glasses?! I look ridiculous!"

      In all honesty, the frames were actually kinda cute. They made your eyes look bigger and more e/c. But it was the thought of wearing them that made you hate them.

    "____ you look fine with them!"  "You look even more beautiful with them!" Both of your brothers spoke at the same time. " Yeah, yeah. You have to say that. I'm going to my room." you grumbled and stalked to your room. Falling asleep with your headphones in, you dreamed of pie and smashing lens.

         You woke to the smell of your favorite: waffles. You scrambled to get food and caffeine into your system. As you walked into the kitchen, you stopped in your tracks. "Hey ____ ! You hungry?" Dean asked as he slid a couple of the delicacies onto a plate for you.  You just stood there and look at the glasses sitting on both their noses.

          " do know that your wearing glasses, right?" I questioned. "Yeah we know. We talked last night and decided that since you felt that you didn't look beautiful in your glasses, we'd wear some too. To show you that even if you wear them, we still love you and think you're amazing and beautiful." Sam explained. When he finished, they both had gentle smiles on their faces. You were speechless. "Woah. Th-thanks guys. Th-that means so much to me." You could feel the tears form but you blinked them away.

         "So, you gunna eat or what? 'Cause I'm starving!" Dean poked you with his fork and them began to shove food in his mouth. Giggling, you began to eat too, all the while thinking of much you were truly thankful for your amazing brothers.

Hey readers! Okay so the ____ is where your name is. I feel like when I use Y/N it kinda ruins it. So i'm gonna try this. I apologize if any of ya'll were confused. If you don't have braces, just imagine you do and if you're not a Slytherin, just imagine you are. Thanks for continuing to read and hope ya'll have enjoyed them so far! I'm going to start taking requests because honestly, I'm running out of ideas. Rock on!


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