Hello Again

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It had been years since you had seen him last. Tears and hugs were exchanged, then he was gone in a flash. Eventually, you gave up hope he would come back to you. The silence was driving you crazy, you needed fresh air and a change of scenery. The night had started off as a night to yourself, not looking to hang out with anyone other than the special book characters you brought with you. You ordered a beer and sat in a booth, getting comfortable when an attractive man sat down across from you.

"That's a good book." He said. Raising your brows to him, eyes crinkling in silent laughter. "How often does that like work exactly?" The man looked guilty in the dim lighting, but smiled nonetheless. "Not a lot. But my brother is big on book worms and I want you to talk to him." You crossed your arms in amusement. "Oh really? And why isn't he sitting here instead of you?" He looked over your shoulder at who you guessed was his brother while gesturing to him. "He's stubborn and isn't a lady killer..." he trailed off and you finished his sentence just as another man sat next to him. "Like you? Thank god." You turned to the newcomer and smirked "So you're the-" No. It couldn't be him. He left you and never looked back. You looked towards his hero of a big brother in recognition and your heart lurched.

Gasping and covering your mouth, you slid out of the booth and bolted for the door. You flung it open, ignoring the shouts behind you. You felt the air leave your lungs but you pushed through it. Panting, you stopped when someone out their hand on your upper arm. You whipped around, ready to slam them to the ground, but halted mid-hit. "What the heck! Leave me alone!" Sam was not moving a inch. "Not until you tell us what that was about!" You slumped against your car in defeat and sighed. "I don't wanna talk about it. You don't remember me and you probably don't want to." The brothers looked confused, but it didn't take long for Sam to perk up. "I gave you that book. I accidently ripped most of the cover off when I dropped it, but tried to catch it." You followed his gaze that was resting on the paperback in your trembling hands. That night, you had went home and taped it back together, different pieces of tape had long since replaced it, but the cover was always in its crooked place. You smiled softly and clutched it tighter to your chest. "The second day we met, in detention." Dean's eyebrows raised but he said nothing. "I can't believe you remember that. It was so long ago." Sam smiled too. You shrugged shyly and met his eyes. "I remember you too well Sam Winchester."

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