Sweet Dreams

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You woke up to sun shining through your clean curtains and a warm arm around your waist. Blinking, you smiled before you truly took your surroundings in. This was an actual room, not something in a hotel environement. Pictures in frames were everywhere, some of you in exotic places and others with you and...Dean? Sitting up, you ignored the grunt and mutterings from the person next you, completely entranced by the photographs. You heard the person sit up and call your name.

"___? What are you doing up? Come back to bed." You knew that voice, you knew it like that back of your hand. You whipped around in shock. "Dean?" He was lying in a huge plush bed, shirtless, just staring at you like you were the most beautiful thing in the world. "Where are we?" Dean crinkled his eyebrows and got out of bed. "We're in our home, in Texas. Are you feeling okay? You look flushed." He put the back of his hand on your forehead and shook his head. "Well you aren't running a fever. Maybe you should come back to bed honey." You let him lead you to the fluffy bed and tuck you in. "Get some sleep princess. Hopefully, you'll feel better later." Once Dean left, you hastily got out of bed, not really sure what was going on. The closet was full of dresses and not a weapon in sight, not even a pocket knife. "This is so weird. Where is the exit?" You slipped on a decent pair of jeans and, just for comfort, one of Dean's shirts. Even if this was some kind of hallucination, the shirt still had his same scent and softness.

Padding down the hallway in your barefeet, you could hear rustling in the room over. You peeked your head in and saw Dean with his head over the stove. "Hey." You called softly and he looked behind his shoulders, smiling at the sight of you. "I don't think I'll ever be able to get over seeing you like that." Love was radiating from him and his smile was contagious. "I'm sorry I freaked out a little bit ago. I had this crazy dream and I guess it kinda stuck." He walked over to you and gave you a sweet kiss on the cheek. "It's okay babe. I'm just glad to see you back to your old self." You smiled, but it faltered when you couldn't remember what you were dreaming about. It seemed so real, but it had monsters? You knew that monsters were nothing more than a fantasy, but something in your heart told you otherwise. It hurt your head to think too hard about it. "So what do you want to do on this gorgeous Saturday?" It became easier to know what to say and that lessened the pain of your headache. "Whatever you wanna do honey, I'm up for anything." Dean thought for a moment before he decided on staying in and watching movies, which you agreed upon.

You and Dean cuddled the entire time, he played with your hair, and even snuck in some long passionate kisses. Just as Dean went to take it a step further, you felt this sharp pain in your neck. You hissed but he just kept going. You shoved him off, no longer in a loving mood. A brightness suddenly chased away Dean and you yelled for him to save you.

"___! Wake up!" Your eyes slowly fluttered open and familiar green eyes filled your vision. You groaned in pain but your lips held a smile. "You didn't send me away." Dean's eyes were confused but held pity and sadness. "You're gonna be alright babe. We'll get you patched up and you'll be good as new." He tried to sound like your injuries were minor and nothing to worry about. Even if they were, the real pain was in your soul. Complete depression overflowed in your heart. The beautiful world where Dean loved you...was gone. "You took it away from me." You began sobbing. "I know ___." Dean tried to console you. "I'm so sorry, but you would've died if I hadn't come sooner. The djinn had almost cleaned you out." You hung your head in defeat as you mumbled. "You don't love me so you should've let me die happy." He bent down to look at you. God you must have looked a mess, hair a rat's nest, puncture marks all over your neck, and an IV needle in your air. Even still, you could see the love in his vibrant eyes. "Says who?" With that, he carefully placed his lips on your own.

The kiss was better than an djinn could replicate. It was soft and gentle, but you could feel how Dean was restraining himself because of your injuries. It was perfect.

"We should do that again sometime." You both laughed at Dean's attempt to lighten the mood. That 'perfect' world may have been gone, but nothing could compare to the original.

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