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    Dean and yourself were out and about, just painting the town. You had always loved music festivals and today Dean had surprised you with tickets. The festival didn't start for another three hours, so you were killing time just you and your love. Many musicians were hanging around, playing their instruments or tuning them. However, one caught your eye and ear, it was an older gentleman who was propped up against the brick wall, strumming on his guitar. His voice was soft and sweet, and you couldn't help but stop and listen. 

   You were so enchanted by the music that you didn't notice Dean staring at you. He knew how much you loved music and he played for you any moment you even mentioned it. Dean loved seeing the smile it put on your face, knowing he was the one who put it there. He couldn't resist leaning a little closer to your side and gently grabbing your hand. Your hand tensed at the unknown feeling; public displays of affection wasn't a thing you two did. So you were shocked that Dean was actually holding your hand... where people could see it! 

   You turned to gape at him. Dean only smirked, then moved your hand toward his mouth so he could kiss it. "What? A man can't hold his woman's hand?" You couldn't think of a witty response, not with the lingering feeling of his lips on your hand. You smiled with a shake of your head. "You are crazy Dean Winchester." Dean smiled his big goofy smile that only you could bring out. "Crazy for you babe." You giggled at his silly line, but internally squealed at the cuteness. Playfully shoving his shoulder, you threw some bills into the hat of the guitarist. 

   The man looked up and smiled, missing a few teeth. "You two remind me of me wife and myself back in our first few years of marriage." You grinned, still reeling from Deans' smoothness. "How long have you been together?" The man pulled out a photograph out of his front shirt pocket. The woman in the picture was beautiful and she was lovingly gazing at her husband. "Almost fifty years." You smiled at the picture and handed it back. As you both walked away, you leaned your head on Dean's shoulder. "Do you think we'll be like him and his wife?" Dean moved his head and kissed yours. "I know we will princess."

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